Reviews for Mother, Forgive Me
FlameFeather4549 chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
That literally made me cry! This is such an amazing story, totally in character, and I love your little touch at the end with her signing it Nymphadora!
And especially that line: "Please say 'I love you' to him for all the times I'll never get the chance..."
That was just too much. (Sobbing quietly in a corner)
I love this story! Sad as it was, it was so well written, and I really enjoyed it. Well done!
Ginevra Annabeth Herondale chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
Almost crying, that was too much for me!
The concealment charm! Oh my gosh!
It was good, but I'm really feeling the feels right now!
It's all coming back! It's the seventh book all over again!
Cahillfan39 chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
I LOVED THIS STORY SO FRICKIN MUCH, you captured Tonks' feelings really good keep up the good work
Kerd151 chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
Awww :(

This was obviously really sad but really well-written and true to character.

I've never seen this done before so it was quite original and I just think it really conveyed Tonk's feelings just exactly as she would write them.

I liked how she had charmed the envelope so it would only appear if she actually died... that was a clever idea.

Also, I liked the length of the letter, it was just the right length that she'd written it quickly before she left but also written what she had to write; what she had to tell her mother if she died.

It was really emotional and yeah, just perfect. It was so easy to imagine it had actually been written by Tonks. I also liked how she said she'd never forgive herself for leaving her son... that was pretty heartbreaking actually.

I liked how she repeats the word 'please' quite a lot. It's like she's almost begging for forgiveness and begging her mum to be okay. I love how she asks him to take care of Teddy, just so sweet.

I really liked how she said she'd keep an eye on her dad as well, that was too sweet.

Also, I loved how she ended it 'Nymphadora' rather than 'Tonks' or 'Dora', it was just really sweet and adorable because she would always complain about being called it in life but it is what her mother named her and yeah- I just found it really sweet.

Anyway... This was very well-written, and sad as it was, I loved it!

loveislouder94 chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
Awww... this was sad. Basically because she dies, of course, but the sadness was exacerbated by the way that you wrote it, especially, I found, through the repeated use of "please." I like the fact that the letter would only become visible if Tonks died, I think that was a clever detail to include. Well done. :)
IReadFanfics chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
Awww.. Lovely )
And Tonks was sweet enough to actually put in her first name. This is really good, but I wanted to read Andromeda's reaction..
gurldeuces chapter 1 . 4/7/2013
Bitch i'm crying my eyes out (P.S best Nymphadora Tonks one-shot)