Reviews for The Avenging of Loki Laufeyson
artemis7448 chapter 17 . 5/4/2018
I'm crying. So sad. Smooth transition but legit crying
Guest chapter 23 . 4/10/2018
Hi! I discovered this series a few days ago and ever since I've been hooked. I've lost my normal sleeping rhythm while staying up all night and reading this, all thanks to you... But seriously, this is one of the most compelling fanfics/stories I've come across. I love it and I hate it. I love it because it's so compelling and hate it because I know that I won't find fanfiction that would satisfy me again after reading this.
I loved it from the beginning because I never knew if they would end up together as a "couple " or if they would just end up being something else. And I was perfectly fine with it. I'm usually here to read romance stories but probably for the first time I wasn't sure if they ended up together and I enjoyed every moment if it (though I don't complain that they did)
These books started, well, not exactly light but lighter and took direction to even darker and darker themes. One moment the reader is smiling from ear to ear and the next they are bawling their eyes out.
Fraye is a good villain. Very dark and very sad. (I don't bother going into a real character analysis) She kind of reminded me of Doctor Who in a way she lost her entire species and was left alone. Even though se ended up being batshit crazy shadow witch and destroyer of the worlds instead of helping them. Yeah, small differences like that.
I enjoy following the way you develop the characters (original or owned by Marvel). And the way you write about Avengers as a team is interesting. The reader really gets the vibe that they are a group of people who wouldn't have chosen each other on the team if they had a choise. But they have been forced to and now they're stuck together and they've faced enemies together and fought together. They trust each other with their lives even though they wouldn't have been each other's first choise. And despite their differences in characters they work well as a team.
That really didn't make sense.
The insanity Loki went through while being separated from Natalie was so strongly written that it was easy to feel. Just wow. It was that vivid.
Mblerghhhh it's too hard to comment about all those details and scenes when you have finished the whole piece. There's just too much to point out one little thing. But yeah, awesomeness. Thank you for writing this.

And seriously, this book series is wayyyy underrated. It deserves so much more.
Envoy chapter 18 . 3/22/2017
Envoy chapter 11 . 3/21/2017
Well that was an emotionally charged chapter.
mistressofhunt chapter 19 . 3/16/2017
At the end of chapter 19 hope seems to rise
like the sun promising better times to come after the darkest of nights...
And it seems like I can finally dare to enter dreamland myself.

Hugs and a fluffy pillow to the head,
mistressofhunt chapter 18 . 3/16/2017
Remember my last review?
I though I had matured a bit after all that ranting
and had grown enough to keep on reading
Without damaging my poor little frail soul any further...

Now, what does it tell you
that I'm making up tons of insults in my mind while writing this?!
Yeah, spot on bitch, you did it again...
For a second my chest was filled with utter conentmemt, relief and what not...
... But then you just had to snap this little string of hope again?

Sorry for my fury... But you know...
Hell knows no fury like an avid reader's heart played with.

Hearts and thanks and kisses and stuff. Keep going. Love your writing.

Ps. Still hate you a bit as I find myself incapable of falling asleep...
Guess I'll keep reading until it gets better...
Now let me guess: long night ahead? ... Oh dear
mistressofhunt chapter 17 . 3/16/2017
Dear author,
You managed to tore my heart in pieces desperately wanting to be united,
but unequivocally ripped apart!
The thing you did there "This is my tale!"?!
You kidding? I read fan fiction for pleasure,
to soothe my aching heart that already has to struggle with real life problems...
And now you story tears it apart by seemingly separating these two!
Fuck you! I had to fucking get up after being perfectly comfy and grap me some tissues!

But these hateful words stem only from your immersive writing...
So I guess instead of "fuck you"
I really wanna say "thank you"
for the emotional roller coaster so far! 3

I will continue reading in a minute,
-of course hoping it will turn out for the best (happy end)-
but I just had to leave a review to let you know how much I enjoy you writing
and to encourage you to finish this series!
And if you would top it off with an happy end in the very end,
then you will have made me all the happier!

Hearts and thanks to you!
Your mistressofhunt
XxDrenchedInSinxX chapter 23 . 8/23/2016
Oh. My. Goodness.
Have I told you how much I love you?
God I have read the first book over and over and I will do the same with this one now. I have marathons reading your stories.
I can't wait to read the new chapter now and am going to do so immediately.
Thank you for your awe-inspiring work, as always.
Sulia Serafine chapter 23 . 7/14/2016
So. Happy. I really enjoyed this story arc. The story has really grown into something bigger than itself. Congratulations!
XxDrenchedInSinxX chapter 22 . 6/21/2016
Oh. My. Goodness. This is just perfect! I love this chapter so much. So much. And the ending is my favorite part, it's just amazing! :)
Sulia Serafine chapter 22 . 5/15/2016
Yay! More than anything, your plan for 4 books is delightful news to me. Reading new chapters from you is like catching up with my friends. I'm very thankful for the hard work you put in making it feel like that.
Indigoskyet chapter 22 . 5/9/2016
I'm still reading haha I'm with you till the end of the line. I love this story so much omg and TWO MORE STORIES YES PLEASE
KosherPickle94 chapter 22 . 5/6/2016
YAY! They're finally getting hitched :) this makes me happy.
BoukieToo chapter 22 . 5/3/2016
Hey... I've been reading this for a long time, and can't wait for the next two stories! I'm not normally a big fan of Loki x OC stories, but this is an exception. Your writing is phenomenal, and I hope the epilogue comes soon!
XxDrenchedInSinxX chapter 21 . 3/21/2016
As I finished this chapter only one thing ran through my mind: Whaaaaat? April?! Ermergerd!
Thank you for updating your magnificent masterpiece! I loved the chapter, it was perfect as always! And as always, I can't wait for more. :)
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