Reviews for Frozen Heart
Black Baron chapter 1 . 7/1
A intriguing chronicle so far, CC. Cooler has always been one of my favorite movie villains of the DB franchise and I'm impressed that you've written an excellent AU story about him. The Cold War has ended, Frieza has clearly been completely mechanized via Big Gete style, then King Cold was slain by his own favorite son, and Cooler barely escaped the battle within an inch of his life.

Nice job. Keep up the great work, my friend. ;)
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 36 . 6/7
This was a pleasant surprise. I assume they're going to Earth now.
Guest chapter 35 . 6/6
REALLY15 chapter 35 . 6/7
I read the entire story in a day.

That's how good it is. You took all of my attention.

Keep doing what you're doing
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 35 . 6/6
Shame Cooler isn't at full power. This would be a great fight.
Clearish Sky chapter 34 . 5/23
A fine addition to my artifact collection.
oscuro oscuro chapter 34 . 5/2
Este si que fue un gran capitulo yo creo que cooler matará a su padre en su furia siega no sin antes revelarle la verdad sobre freezer estuvo increíble el capítulo ya espero el próximo.
Luke chapter 34 . 4/12
...well, looks like the Frieza problem isn't going to be an issue for Cooler and Cold anymore...
lemmanu4 chapter 34 . 4/13
osea Cooler no es hijo de Cold?
Recieve the Wind chapter 34 . 4/12
What an amazing story. You are able to give a filler villain this much depth, this much meaning. I'm astonished. And you do all this without compromising his character. You don't immediately make him a good guy (like most stories would). You explore his character to the utmost limits. This is one of the best Dragonball Z fanfics on this site. Hopefully in the future Cooler grows even further and becomes more than a simple villain. I don't advocate for him being a good guy. I just simply think that there's more than just being a hero or villain. Maybe through all these experiences he'll resemble Fang Yuan from Reverend Insanity after his reincarnation.
Doctor Snake Eater chapter 34 . 4/12
Ohhhhhhh dear.
Anonymously96 chapter 34 . 4/12
That was a monster of a chapter
Really great to see Cooler getting respect but damn did that sour quickly. Pretty sure Colds gonna either die due to the bloodlusted haze or be crippled
Also wasn't cold in his second form only slightly weaker than frieza in his final form(50%) power like said in canon? So is his fourth form multiplier different?
Also since cooler has not really gotten stronger due to the poison thing, how does he hope to actually beat Goku?
Update soon
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 34 . 4/12
That was a long time coming. What a great fight. Now if Cooler just starts living for himself, he might even turn out to be a decent guy.
Argonian Dovahkiin chapter 34 . 4/12
Holy~ s**t nuggets, was not expecting THAT! It does explain a lot, oddly enough.

Loved the fight scene. You managed to garner sympathy for what most would consider an unsympathetic character, and that's just awesome.
Warga chapter 34 . 4/12
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