Reviews for Paper Birds
blinddivinity chapter 2 . 2/2/2017
LOVE IT! I can't wait to read more. I wish there wrere more Hufflepuff! Harry fics. I've only read a few (if you could recommend any, that would be great!) - and each of them seems to make Hufflepuff more interesting than the other Houses (they seem to be more protective, with a wide range of talents and skills). I can't wait to read more. Will Professor Sprout be protective over her House? In the books, McGonigole was not protective - or involved in her House at all.
blinddivinity chapter 3 . 4/3/2016
Interesting. Can't wait to read more
dancesontrains chapter 3 . 3/1/2015
Awwww this is adorable. Poor Harry, he needs that level of judgement free love.
loretta537 chapter 3 . 11/3/2013
This sounds good, I love hufflepuff harry stories and can't wait to see why professor sprout was late
Ladybug Jess chapter 3 . 5/26/2013
I prefer 1 POV. If you must go the multiple POV route, keep them in separate chapters.

I'm in enjoying it so far.
cellester chapter 3 . 5/8/2013
love your story! cant wait to read the next chapter. i prefer harrys pov most of the time but others are needed every once in a while.
Gwenlynn chapter 3 . 5/7/2013
Nice chapter, I raised my eyebrow a little in a spocklike fashion when I read about the Hatta sorting Harry into Hufflepuf. Loyalty is not a thing I would expect from a boy who has only experienced the Drusleys. The same can be said of the other houses I am sure.

As for POV views, it is interesting to read what the other side is thinking and doing.
icyquest4 chapter 3 . 5/5/2013
Stick with harry and on special occasions 1 different pov
gagiman chapter 3 . 5/5/2013
So far the story seems okay, I just don't have enough story to review much, whos POV would we be seeing? Will it be a bad dumbledore, or teachers perspectives or enemy pov? or mainly just friends who are worried? anyway you seem to be doing okay with your beginning, I just dont see the special parts of it because you haven't written them in to "catch" (ambition but no evidence of it, knowledge but no appearance of a smarter harry etc,title)
Man of Constant Sorrow chapter 3 . 5/5/2013
Okay I just finished reading chapters 1-3 and I must say this is a rather nice offering for the rarely done Hufflepuff Harry premise, I look forward to seeing how his year is plays out, with the changes you've wrought.

Being in Hufflepuff house the most neutral Harry will be able to make friends with people from all houses, I look forward to seeing how that goes.

One thing: Please have Harry make friends and save Hermione from the troll, it always ruins a good "different house" story when he doesn't confront the troll and especially when she is friends with Harry, it just isn't a Harry Potter story without her by his side, different house or not.

I have one critique, you should not have inserted your own OC to be Harry's older mentor when you have a Canon character who can fill that good quite easily, Tonks was in Hufflepuff and his first year was her last, seems a waste to leave her out.

Thanks for sharing, I eagerly await your next update.
Slytherin66 chapter 3 . 5/5/2013
This was good very descriptive in places and with a good insight into Harry.

I hope this story won't be slash as that is not something I read and Harry is the last Potter he needs children to continue on his lline and any others he might inherit as people might have left items, wealth or titles for Harry in their will. Although Harry the Hufflepuff might not qualify for all of them now. Pair Harry with a Hufflepuff maybe someone a little older someone that can cope with Harry's life and problems as Harry would have no cencept of love or being loved yet so might wait to Marry or maybe someone like Susan Bones might wait for him.

It was good Harry is aware of the expectations of others and that he might have fallen short I think Hufflepuff House would know all about that and be able to help him deal with it as other students had to be expected to go elsewhere and end up in Hufflepuff. Sprout I think would be good at spotting students who have less than ideal home lives or who need extra help as the non-pure bloods would find Hogwarts very hard to cope with at the start I think.

I liked the Prefect and the entrance to Hufflepuff, Neville should have joined Harry he would be better off.

I liked what was said by the hat and that Harry likes to avoid notice as that is what he was raised ti be like more House Elf than hero.

Other points of view would be good Minerva would be upset, Albus worries and Snape pleased as Harry is now an even bigger target but I think Sprout would stand up for Harry her point of view could be one of the more interesting she might relish the opportunity for her House to gain fame or resent the attention Harry brings. Other people might take exception to Harry the Hufflepuff like Rita, Ron and the Weasley, maybe even Hermione as she would be disapointed Harry did not live up to what was in books, the Ministry and random people but some good could come of it as Hufflepuff might band togeather in the face of such a public outcry and people might speculate why Harry was a Hufflepuff and then invesitigate Harry's life. At Hogwarts Harry will get a hard time as many will mock, hate or be disapointed in him so some students points of view would be good too.

I wonder if this Harry will keep the fact he can talk to snakes completly to himself although given how Harry is a Hufflepuff I don't think anyone would consider him heir to Slytherin, many Slytherin's would be deeply offended.

The sorting hat could also drop a hint without giving away a secret, Harry needs to be in Hufflepuff or is the best House for him.

Riddle might also be deep in thought he might be arogant enough to now ignore Harry in favour of trying to get the stone.

Thanks for this chapter.
Alia Inverse chapter 3 . 5/5/2013
Umm... as long as you add Hermi, I don't really mind about PoVs... I must admit, I'm liking more and more the idea of Hufflepuff!Harry
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
thank you for writing this story. i like your writing style :)
don't worry about the oc's. there just aren't enough hufflepuffs in the you really can't help it.
i always thought hufflepuff would have been better for harry. so i am sad that there aren't many hufflepuff!harry storys.
i hope they do more to make the firstis feel welcome than the gryffs (not just "your room is over there, now go to sleep) monthly common room meetings, a sibling system or something...
will this eventually become slash?

sorry for my grammat. i speek german
Gwenlynn chapter 2 . 4/14/2013
Nothing wrong with a few OC. Since Harry will probably need new mates.
Slytherin66 chapter 2 . 4/13/2013
A good chapter. Usually I am not a big OC fan but they are needed as most student's and House's beyond the House of the brave are unknown or not really defined. I think those in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff would be more interesting and more mixed in their views, interests and families. A less strict Head of House would Also help.

A good detail to include about Harry's Aunt she has more reason to be nasty than Vernon. I so hope the Dursley's suffer or that Dudley gets thrown out of his school for his behaviour. It would be nice for something bad to happen to the Dursley's they can't blame Harry or magic on.

A very good point about the panic Harry feels he has been very isolated and I liked what was detailed about his feelings regarding a family.

Cheers for the new name for Harry's owl.

I did like the line "if they could still be used for potions if the plants were grown in a non-magical environment" a very good question and potions would be of more interest to the muggle raised as that is something they know of, can think of outside of Hogwarts and the subject can show real magic and not the magic tricks wand based magic can look like. Potions is an art wand based magic can look silly especially when a student is just starting to learn requiring mand movements often big ones and having to shout out spells.

A good point about the barrier too.

I look forward to what you have planned for the next chapter, thanks for this one.
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