Reviews for Rank and File
Chilli Paneer chapter 21 . 5/24/2019
Proud of you Tyson
Same here going with took 5years to understand,I'm not into guys,i meant i loves
I need a girlfriend,guys are just not my type & i had a relationship with a guy in the first place
Ohh..come sucks..
Guest chapter 21 . 11/30/2017
Nice ending and nice fic i lov in it iys really awesome
Guest chapter 21 . 12/4/2013
I'm satisfied by how this ended because happy endings just get tiresome sometimes. Its a breathe of fresh air to find something that doesn't end all sunshine and rainbows.
MemeSonataInGMinor chapter 21 . 12/4/2012
The ending. Oh God. 0.o I don't know whether to be proud or bawling my eyes out. Either ways, good job! (sniff)
Stormhound chapter 21 . 9/26/2010
I dont know whether to hate you or love you. I loved the story, it was absolutley amazing and the way it was told from Tysons point of view was just so believable. When I read the ending I could literally feel my heart breaking in sympathy. *sigh* I have to say you are an awesome author but you suck too -.-
mochamochi chapter 21 . 3/3/2010
ur story was...AWESOME O.O the end was..well meh becuz i truthfully wasn't expecting it but *thumbs up*. A really nice moral at the end too;D u don't see a lot of stories out there that really teach you a real-life moral. Awesome work once again3 I'll definitely put this in my favorites list:D
J.Kaye57 chapter 20 . 7/21/2009
Hello. I would just like to that your story helped in ways you wouldn't really know(mainly cause you don't know what i've gone though these past two years) But with reading this my world, were i thought everything was prefect, and i was high my throne somewhere in my mind. I realized that i was just looking for someone who was like my first love. I realize now that finding that type of person won't ever happen.

This story has opened my eyes to many new possiblities[probably spelled that wrong] and that fact i've basically been letting people screw with my head and not even knowing it. I've been putting on fake smiles, and acting for these past two years, but now I'm thinking that maybe i was doing this my whole life...I've always learned from reading which is why i think it's so important.

If i've been letting people fuck with my brain my whole life[sorry about using that word]then i really think i need to think of somewhy to let people know so i can the help i need to set my brain the way it should work for me. Reading Rank and File helped me alot. I've opened my eyes to see that i AM a cold-hearted bitc, with sharp edges. I AM a spiteful brat. And the reason is i've been letting the real me hide in a corner in the back of mind, completely oblivious to the fact that part of me wanted to show herself, and that part of wanted to feel pain and let it hurt like hell and let tears slip from her eyes.

The me i was two years ago would've let the pain come and let it hurt while strifling her cries. I've been trying for so long to be someone everyone could ignore and i pushed everyone away thinking i could live without guidence in my life. I think at times i even gave up on my faith. I let myself fail the seventh grade not caring what would happen. I thought i could let people know i was actually human by acting like other people, or acting like a spitful punk with rebellion issues, and lies to get people to stay away from her.

I know i'm probably being annoying and dragging this out. But i only wish to thank you for making me realize how screwed up my mind was. Thank you. Hopfully something i write will affect some confused 13 yr old find his/herself. Again I thank you kindly for helping me with this.


Lady Evans Potter chapter 21 . 5/3/2009
I HATE YOU! Why didn't you make it a happy ending? Arg... but apart from that, its a really good story... which makes it deserve a place among my favorites x)
a lemon would be nice chapter 21 . 1/17/2009
hey i don know about everyone else but when i read that much for a lemon i like a lemon is more than about 3 sentances worth...
Pocky Hearts Rainbows chapter 21 . 1/3/2008
I love your story very much! But chapter 7 is broken it only shows half of your atory can you please fix that!
Kidiu chapter 21 . 10/13/2007
Well, there were quite a few boring parts, but other than that, it was pretty good!
Joce chapter 21 . 6/5/2007
don't worry... I hate spelling Rei as Ray... it's annoying

I loved the story and your freaking plot twists were confusing as hell but freaking awesome!


and wtf? laser tag! ((Thud))

Joce chapter 20 . 6/5/2007
ok... we'll call it a lemon... I mean lime...

ty-chan... that IS feminine... ((Raises eyebrow))

powers... of nakedness... ((Wonders if that's a word...))

lol, Ty-chan talks too much...

Kai, you sly sly bastard...

Joce chapter 19 . 6/5/2007
you're right...

dramatic ((Shifty eyed))

((reads it again))


Joce chapter 18 . 6/5/2007
I think I feel kinda sorry for Panix... and and...



((Kicks Kai in the shin))

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