Reviews for When A Plan Comes Together
GT500RonSmith chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Nice explanation of her planning! Had to be a lot for her, but she had everyone else that loves him onboard to help!
1822andallthat chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
Loved the structure of that one. Different, and so beautifully done. A lovely tribute to our amazing show. Thank you for this fic - for all your fics.
cagirl1 chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
It was definitely adding some honor with the " fleshing out" of the story with your addition of some of the steps that Kate "could" have followed to get to her birthday idea. A little sweetness & implied passion doesn't hurt either. A very enjoyable story.
dopeysac chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
That was beautiful Laura! It was definitely legen - wait for it! Dary! Both the episode and this story were great! Thanks!
Taly-chan chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
Lol "Hush. Listen to the doctor", and Castle interrupting, and everything. I can see it. I could believe it's what actually happened around that episode. Awesome bit guys. You make an epic team.
ebfiddler chapter 1 . 4/7/2013
I just loved the narrative device of having them take turns telling the story, with the little in-character comments aside. Really well done.
janinsc chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
Loved the story telling. Great job. Kept them very much in character. :)
bones35 chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
'Some honor'? This was an amazing story.
KrisMc chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
I love all your stories, but this one was really magic. I love the italicized "commentary" and how it was told. Amazing.
jareya chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
Love this so much, the flashbacks are beautiful, especially the one where he's trying to get her to agree to Bora Bora. So them.
ggfan01 chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Love how you framed how Kate came up with the idea. A great follow up to what I agree was a perfect episode!
i-am-nikki-heat chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
beautiful and different. thanks so much for sharing!
blue252 chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
For some reason I missed this this other day so just now getting to read. I love how different this is organized and how it all comes together step by step. I like that you took it back to the bucket list and built it from there because that was such a sweet moment for her to realize how long he's wanted all of this. I think what I like most about it is how well I can hear their dialogue and picture his looks. The puppy dog eyes, their affection like in the episode. Love!
SparkleMouse chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
So Kate rolls onto her side and lets him see her smile, a shared thing really, and she scrapes a hand through her hair, propping up her head, and she begins.

Genesis: The Bucket List. - I just love the writing here. The going back in time. The tone.

That tripping-panicky (yes, I panicked, be quiet) rush didn't really go away, but she sneaked out of bed later and went back for the list just to study it more closely. - I love the insertion of dialogue. It's so different but such a cool read.

She went back to the list for clarification and read the very next item, and she had to chuckle, shaking her head at this crazy man: Install a zipline. - HE'S SO CUTE

And as she read the others - equally ridiculous, equally amusing, most definitely fun - she realized that really, the rest of his goals were mostly red herrings for what was (had been) the most serious statement he'd ever made. The most honest. The most revealing.

(Up to that point. Three years ago. Before she'd been shot.)

Be with Kate. - OMG Laura. Sobbing at how great this. Like it's perfect and I want to make babies with it a little bit.

Define: retrospective. n. 1) an artsy, nostalgic conference in which elderly has-beens sit around and bemoan the loss of the good ole days of X (insert any bygone era/notion/element for X) - Love that.

The Birds ran first. She has ever since then found her shoulders hunching when the pigeons flock in the trees in Central Park, when the gulls on the Atlantic come in and chase down the beach for tourist leftovers. - PIGEONS ARE LEGIT THE WORST EVER.

At thirteen, she went back to Greenwich Village and scoured the movie rental places for more of Hitchcock's films. She watched Rear Window and The Man Who Knew Too Much and North by Northwest and Vertigo and she fell in love.

It also happened to be the year her mother started reading Richard Castle.

She might have fallen in love with him too. - I just really love how the narrative is written in this one. So much.

It's going to be legen - wait for it - dary. Legendary," he said with relish, right in her ear as he brought her up again. - Okay Barney Stinson. Calm down.

"I'm beginning to understand Fitzgerald a lot better than I ever have."

"What does that mean? Are you making literary references that I don't get? That's not fair." - lmao

Black Diamond all the way; I didn't come here for no Bunny Trails. - Legit me at 13. I thought I could do a black diamond and I knew I was gonna die so I plopped down on the snow and slid all the way down. Bruised ass beats broken bones.

"Good news. You're not going to die," the doctor announced as he pushed aside the curtain.

Castle gave her a thumbs-up, and she felt her shoulders drop a little, her fists release. But still. - Ahhhhh I can totally picture this and I love it.
faeriehallie chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
Loved it! :)
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