Reviews for Family Ties
GeezerWench chapter 15 . 2/25/2014
Good to see you and Ladyskyelite! Take your time. I know how it is trying to deal with home life and trying to write.


Jeez, Em and Keyria are biting the hell out of each other.

So, Rose has come crawling back. Not so happy with the Volturi, I take it. What have they done to her? Guess they aren't all that thrilled with her since she doesn't have a power or gift.

And Esme invited her to stay! Oh boy.

Hell! Keyria gets to beat Rosalie’s ass and company shows up. Eleazer and Dominic?

Rose’s mate.

One big happy family!
GeezerWench chapter 14 . 11/16/2013
Good luck with the new job!


Jasper gettin’ rusty in his old age. LOL

Enjoyed Peter’s point of view.

I think she changed faster than normal because she was already part vampire.

So Keyria is kinda like a chameleon. Sort of.

I wonder if she can still hide the vamp sparkle?


I think you’re going to have to explain the “blue” that Charlotte sees.

Ahhh. Hiding the fact that Esme and Carlisle have already met Peter and Charlotte.


Alice’s story about hidin the fact she and Edward were mates is full of holes.

And then, if Edward was her mate, how could he stand Alice being with Jasper for fifty years?

Something’s not adding up.


“Rotten meat with moldy burnt cat food.”

Oh, ew. *barf*

Keyria’s probably the only one in the world that thinks Bella stinks!



Rose!? What’s she doing there?
GeezerWench chapter 13 . 11/1/2013

Yay! I was real glad to see your update! I know how it is with the financial stuff.

By the way, it’s time for the Fandom Choice Awards!


Jasper saved Bella! Glad he decided it was time to keep Bella by his side. It’s about time. I can understand Bella being nervous, but jeez.


They want Keyria dead? What the hell is up with Edward and Alice!?

So…Alice thinks Keyria is dead, huh? She thinks Emmett will kill her? Won’t she be surprised.

Little bitch.

GAWD Alice just spit it out!

Little bitch.

Holy moly. Edward didn’t realize what was going on with Jasper? Well, he’s an idiot.

What the hell are they (Alice and Edward) going to do now?


Emmett run fast!

Two strange vampires at the house?

*whew* A heartbeat. Thank goodness. Emmett was worrying so much…

Peter and Charlotte! Yay! Glad they showed up. I think Jasper and Emmett are going to need them.

Oh shit! Emmett covered in blood!? What the hell happened?
GeezerWench chapter 12 . 9/1/2013

Yay! Two chapters!

Well, I knew something was going to happen at the baseball game. But it’s Keyria that breaks her darn neck!

I think that damn Alice new those nomads were coming.

Six vampires should have been able to take care of three nomads! Especially with Jasper there!

Now what the hell has happened to the rest of them? Carlisle and Esme would protect each other, Jasper would protect Bella, but what the hell is Edward up to?

Alice smiling at Keyria? The bitch is up to something.
GeezerWench chapter 11 . 9/1/2013

Bella’s point of view!



Edward sure is taking it all very well so far.

We'll take the fluff! Enjoyed it. all sorts of intrigue with the Jasper and Bella flirting. Hopefully, Bella doesn't try and talk herself out of it!

"finally taking her at the perfect time."

Oh yes!

Baseball game?
juliangelus chapter 10 . 9/1/2013
I thought I hsd reviewed this chapter but I obviously hadn't.

Brilliant chapter :-) I just want to slap Alice and junk punch Edward

J xx
Nightingale'sLullaby chapter 10 . 7/7/2013
AHHHHH I LOVE YOUR STORY! lol sorry I had to get that out. Your story is very good and different from other similar themed stories on this site. Please don't stop or let anyone dicourage you from writing. :)
GeezerWench chapter 10 . 7/7/2013
Oh my! So much happened in this chapter. So much stuff.

Wow! So Keyria is part vampire. Didn’t see that coming. Knew there was something up, but didn’t figure on that.

I still want to know what happened to her parents.

Quite a nice citrusy splash there. You did a good job.

Oh, my gosh, Emmett bit her! And she kinda bit him. Both of them marked.

Very good description of what her blood reminded him of. Rather lyrical.

Loved Esme’s reaction to Alice and Edward when they were screeching about Emmett.

I am so hating Edward and Alice – those conniving, two-faced pieces of sparkly excrement! They both act like they’re about 12 years old.

Yay! Keyria got right up in her face and told her about herself. I mean, really. What business is it of Alice’s if Emmett and Keyria get a little lovey-dovey? Or toothy-bitey?

Baseball game? Oh no.

Oh. So coven leaders can tell coven members to break up? I would have thought that Edward would have fought that a bit more when Carlisle and Esme told him he had to separate from Bella.

Same with Alice. She’s been using Jasper for years for whatever reason. She seemed almost too relieved to be rid of him. She could have done it any time. Seems to me Jasper could have, too. But earlier he seemed to be under the impression that he and Alice were supposed to be together. Glad he’s seen the light!

Yes! Tear up that Dol-whatever designer crap, Jasper!

GeezerWench chapter 9 . 6/10/2013
Got the notification of your update and thought, “Yay!”

Well, I *like* long chapters.

(stick up at the top that it's Esme's POV)

It’s so cute how Esme calls Emmett “my sweet boy.”

woo HOO!

Jasper and Esme are livin' large and takin' charge! I can't see Carlisle not agreeing to everything that Esme and Jasper discussed. They need to protect Keyria and Bella.

What's Carlisle's power? Or did I miss it?

Edward's progressively possessive and threatening behavior is only going to get worse.

So, he's not as smart as he thinks he is, huh? Big surprise there. Rose got something over on him. she needs to share that intel.

Once he's told he had to stay away from Bella, I can see him snapping. It's like they're taking her away from him and that will set him off. They might have to take him apart and store the parts away for a while.

Esme's figured out that Jasper and Bella are mates, but nobody else has put the pieces together. Unless alice has and that's why she's been such bitch.

Glad Jasper finally talked to Esme. Knowledge is power and now they can plan their "assault." They've got all the info they can at the moment. They need it.

Good job! Eager to see Edward blow his top! Ya know he's going to. And Alice is going to have a conniption!
juliangelus chapter 9 . 6/10/2013
Fantastic especially this bit -

"No, Mistress Esme, there is nothing to change about this protection detail. However, if you could have Miss Keyria inform My - I mean, Miss Bella of what we are doing, that would help immensely.

great chapter

jules xx
juliangelus chapter 8 . 5/27/2013
loved the bella and ria bonding.

awesome chapter

jules xxx
juliangelus chapter 7 . 5/27/2013
so... Jasper and bella maybe in the future :-P

great chapter

jules xx
juliangelus chapter 6 . 5/27/2013
Edward is an ass

loved it

jules xxx
juliangelus chapter 5 . 5/27/2013
brilliant chapter sweets.

jules xx
GeezerWench chapter 8 . 5/20/2013
Good to see Bella's point of view!

I was hoping that Bella would get a clue once she saw Keyria and Emmett together, but she sure didn't.

I'm real glad that Bella got to talk to her. Hopefully Bella figures out stuff soon. Before Edward hurts her!

He's just too creepy. I hope Jasper kicks his ass.

Interesting that Bella found an old picture of Esme and Carlisle. I'm kind of surprised that they would have allowed a picture to be taken of them. But I expect it had to happen now and then.

"Not this family, Aunt Esme. *Our* family."

Eager to see what Esme has to say about that.

Dun dun dunnnnnnn!
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