Reviews for Content Data, Glitch
Guest chapter 6 . 3/7
Amazing story so far! In all honest it seems for like a horror story with Altair going around acting as the Angel of Death computer virus, you write in such a way that I can actually feel Desmond's terror and anxiety while he's being hunted, like I'm right there next to him and now I can't tell wither to trust Altair or Ezio, things are getting scudded and it's terrifying. Other than that Amazing story so far! And just when it started out nice and funny this happens lol.
dingo027 chapter 6 . 4/28/2019
Guest chapter 6 . 3/5/2017
Loved it!
I love the way you write, to the point and fulfilling. And humerous. As it is, I fell in love with all your characters, regardless of my opinion of them In general.
If u ever write a time traveling fic on assassin's Creed, be sure that Id be among the first ones to pounce on it.
Handling such awesome and complex characters in a time warp is no small feat. And I know you would do brilliantly.
MysticNinj chapter 1 . 12/7/2016
Dunadan Ranger chapter 6 . 8/16/2013
Ok, your game observations about the physical, mental and enviromental differences between the assassins are completely mind blowing! Seeing as how hidden blades never actually existed, I think the real reason Altair can't block with them (and do other things such as jumping up walls to catch higher ledges) is because the Ubisoft team hadn't thought up such concepts before. Or maybe I'm wrong. But either way, I just learned more about Altair and Ezio then I ever learned from websites. Thanks! Also, the story is highly intrigueing and everyone is completely in-character. Awesome job on this, I can't wait for more :)
Tyan chapter 6 . 5/9/2013
This is a really exciting fanfic I can't stop thinking about it I'm even tempted to draw fanart of it
Chu10 chapter 6 . 5/6/2013
Was...was that a giant revelation at the end?

Or was I too dumb to get anything...? But I'll take it as I just had a revelation.

Either way...YOU UPDATED! YAY! Virtual hug, buddy! Funny that whenever I update my own you aren't far behind. Maybe I shall try updating more often, then chance will have it that you'll update more as well. XD Just kidding! I could see that you took quite long to gather up all the speeches of the people that run around the strange Venetian Jerusalem...a job well done! It definitely was good humour!

Psst. I've spotted a mistake, but it's extremely minor. It's Altair Ibn-La Ahad, not Ahade. But as I've said, it's super minor!

This chapter was so funny that I was really smiling hard and biting my lip. XDThank goodness I was reading it in my room, not on the train! Desmond, being his cynical sarcastic self, was HILARIOUS at the start! It's so of him to do what he does, like making up a 'bullshit name' and all that. And when he wanted to be Maria instead of Malik...LOL! Seriously, Desmond?! XD It was really funny when the people were running around and screaming while Desmond and Ezio were conversing, too.

Then I really lost it and laughed when Ezio whined 'I don't get iiiiiit!' Poor Ezio! He was so confused by the whole 'Maria-in-disguise' thing that his reaction was so funny...awesome!
"Oh Allah, my head is killing me" HAHA! Sounds like the Ackmed puppet by Jeff Dunham XD

Nice exploring on how Altair's memories weren't just from genetic 'files', but from the Maasyaf seals as well. This chapter is as observant as ever! Kudos to you for that.
"ME! Ezio! Ezio Auditore!" It was the best line in the game, other than a few more, like "Requiescat in pace, *bastardo*". Loved it that when Ezio said it here, it gave off the same greatness - but had a bigger weight of mystery to it. Was...sorry, IS, Ezio...alive?!

And that revelation at the end...awesome! And, too.

Forgive me for the gigantic review, there was so much I had to say about this. :) Nicely written! I know you may take awhile to update, but no worries. I'll patiently wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/6/2013
This Has to be one of the most unusual but fascinating AC fic and I love it
Sofia chapter 5 . 4/20/2013
This is, by far, the most well-written and overall interesting fanfic I've ever read on this subject. You make much sense and keep it very OC (which I salute you for), and you make such thought worthy points and observations. Really good!
Chu10 chapter 5 . 4/20/2013
Yay hiigh-five, we updated our stories at the same time! I'm always happy to see a notification for an update of this story :)

This chapter was so awesome. Multiplayer, huh? I've never played that game mode before, but watched it, and boy did you do well on it. I personally found this chapter quite confusing because I failed to grasp what was happening the first time round, so I had to go back and read it a second time.

Altair can't swim! That part made me grin. Hahaha! It's true, Altair's avatar in the Animus has an aversion to what little water there is in the 12th century of the Holy Lands. Makes sense for Desmond to be scared shitless of his ancestor, though. He could possibly send him even deeper into his coma (hmm, think Inception style) with him being the terrifying Angel of Death and all. Ooh.

I loved the way you justified why Templars will willingly confess to Altair more than they will to Ezio! It is hilarious XD Ezio is sexy. Nuff' said. LOL!

Great job once again! I can't wait to see what happens next...
Chu10 chapter 4 . 4/10/2013
I was so happy when I saw this chapter! Yay, an update! :D

What started out as a story under the genre of comedy has now been turned into something of suspense and intrigue. Oh my goodness. Two cool genres rolled into one. I love it even more now! The Animus can get very confusing at times, but with your attention to detail and all, it makes it easier for me to see everything out. (Ahem, I'm pretty bad with data and technology and stuff...)

The part where Ezio meets Malik just made me go "OOPS! Ohhh Ezio. Seriously." They are kept very in character when they meet and I loved it. Especially Malik's hatred towards Altair (which is actually Ezio in the mind). I praise you on the fact that you noticed that the Templars were a separate organisation, because I myself never noticed it :O

The virus taking the form of Altair was a very pleasant surprise, and reminded me a lot of the story by Shadow Chaser, Apotheosis. Epic story. Hehe. I have a feeling that this story's gonna be epic too! Ah damn now I sound like a fangirl.

Can't wait to see where this goes! I'm a fan of this now. ;)
Suomenlinna chapter 4 . 4/9/2013
I like this! Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Nolongerusingthisaccountanymor chapter 4 . 4/9/2013
This is a really cool fic idea, and extremely well executed. You really know a lot about the time periods and information you deal with. I can't wait to see what happens next.
PasserBy chapter 3 . 4/8/2013
I honestly didn't expect this turn of event. Then again, things would eventually get dull if Altair and Ezio completely follow the canon storylines and letting them keep repeating the same mistakes isn't good humor. Another of my initial worries, but thankfully I now doubt you'll take that route. You've already decided to let things "go off tract."
So I supposed it is a very good thing. Keeps the story interesting.
Chu10 chapter 3 . 4/3/2013
There's a fair bit of humour here that made me smile :) Ezio and Altair continue to be like-a-BOSS in their own ways and that never fails to amuse me! (One guy can't take any of your crap but the other is light hearted and usually in a jokey mood)

But the sad parts...why, just why. Maybe the Assassins were really programmed to have miserable genes after all...

This is all so sad. I thought maybe it would all be humour if both Assassins switched minds due to a glitch...but it's not all sunshine and rainbows D: it's interesting how you observed all these things about how the Animus works with memories and all. This chapter is very well detailed as always. Love it!
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