Reviews for Shell Shock
SamanthaThenardier chapter 29 . 1/5/2015
I can honestly say that I pretty much teared up when I got the email notification that you updated.
Then it was followed by tears because it was the final chapter, because how bittersweet is that?! Then again, better than leaving us with another cliffhanger ha!

This ending was just complete perfection because it just closed things off so well between the two and had the promise for a good future, just like the musical/movie. It leaves hope and reassurance that life is hard but things will look up.

This story was just amazing! I absolutely loved your characterizations of Enj, Ep, Cosette, and Musichetta! Other than the kiss scenes (because come on), Cosette's blow up at Enjolras was my favorite part because I love any Cosette and Enjolras interaction. Hah. Anyway, thank you so much for writing (and finishing) this story! A sequel would be amazing, but no pressure whatsoever! You are a fantastic writer and I hope to see more of your work in the future!
Smithy chapter 2 . 1/5/2015
His name is Marius, not Marcus!
Guest chapter 29 . 1/5/2015
aw i'm so glad you updated it thank you it was a nice new year's gift! and i loved the ending because you gave us closure but you still left it open for future like you said if you want to write a sequel! i loved it good job !
astoryinred chapter 29 . 1/5/2015
Thanks much! I love how this goes to getting better day by day. Good ending. :)
Caryatis chapter 29 . 1/5/2015
(sorry I didn't feel like logging in but) Thank you so much for taking the time to finish this. The subject was really interesting and original and I've really enjoyed this whole story. Great job and congrats on finishing it!
huntersandfoxes chapter 29 . 1/5/2015
I remember reading this story before I got an account. I still remember how hard I cried, and how invested I was in this story that I read all 28 chapters in only a few hours.
And now that it has come to its end, I feel really sad. But the ending is perfect. I cannot imagine a better ending.
Thank you for sharing this story with us! I cannot wait to read more from you! Have a good day hun 3
AliceInSomewhereland chapter 28 . 11/14/2013
Ah! I didn't even realize that you had updated again. Sorry for the total lack of awareness. Anyway, this was sweet. As much as I sincerely hope you pick this back up again at some point, it serves as a nice ending as well. Not happy, exactly, but this was not a happy fic. It was just as bittersweet as their other "happy" moments were, but the chapter ended on a hopeful note for the two of them and for his recovery, which is important. Like I said, I hope that you pick this back up and explore their relationship and how he reenters the world and how they both continue to cope, but if you decide that's not in the cards, well, this isn't too bad. So if that is the case, great job, and thank you for seeing this along as far as you did! I look forward to the next installment, if and when it comes. ;)
purlidash chapter 28 . 7/29/2013
aww how sweet! Thank you for leaving it on a nice relaxed note, they are so cute! :)
LivingHalfwayThere chapter 28 . 7/29/2013
I'll miss you a lot! This chapter was wonderful! Happy writing! Take a break and come back whenever you're ready, darling. 3
SamanthaThenardier chapter 28 . 7/29/2013
This story is amazing and I am sad that it is about to go on hiatus. You are a fantastic writer and if there was any chapter to leave off with, this is nice. I do hope you get to writing again for this story.
RomildaV chapter 28 . 7/29/2013
This story, I just love it so much, bless you and your updates, they are like the highlights of my day. Thank you.
MelancholySkies chapter 28 . 7/29/2013
I personally think it was a satisfying enough ending before a hiatus. Thank you for writing this; I enjoyed it immensely :)
Lalala chapter 27 . 7/21/2013
I know you've probably been really super busy lately, but when will you be posting chapter 28 aka the last chapter before the hiatus? No rush, I was just curious. I hope you get through your writer's block soon! I'll miss this story, but it's not like it's being cancelled. I miss Doctor Who too and that's also returning. Of course, Doctor Who has a set date as to when it is going to return and this doesn't, but that's beyond the point. Best of luck! xoxo
AliceInSomewhereland chapter 27 . 7/19/2013
*sighs contentedly* I'm imagining them strolling around in Adams Morgan looking for a cafe... Great update. I'm thrilled you aren't giving up on this story. Please don't abandon it! I like that Eponine and Enjolras are starting to develop a certain level of comfort around each other. That's very important, especially for Enjolras. You're handling it well. I'm also really enjoying this Christmas business, although a large part of that could be because it's so damn hot where I live! But anyway, please don't go on hiatus for too long. It would be a shame not to continue this story. Please let me know if you need any help writing/brainstorming!
AliceInSomewhereland chapter 26 . 7/9/2013
Hey girl, so glad you updated. I was beginning to worry that you had abandoned the story. Do what you need to do, but I hope you don't stay away for too long to write! This chapter was great, but I'm still aching for some Enjolras and Eponine interactions! Wow can't wait. I hope you can get a new chapter up soon and get over your writer's block, and if you need someone to bounce ideas off of, please PM me here or contact me on tumblr (my url is on my profile here!), and I can't beta or talk it out with you or whatever. Maybe you can think of a way to end it soon so that you don't have to stress over it? But then again, you don't want to rush things.

So basically, beautiful job here, and please, please contact me if you need help! I'm more than willing!
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