Reviews for Who remembers?
DelennTriesTalkingLikeAHuman chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
Great story.
Apple in the Ocean chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
I feel really sad.

Seriously. That poem almost made me cry, the car almost made me cry and everything was so damn PERFECT that it made me want to cry.

Can I just say that you have an incredible talent at creating things that just feel so REAL. A really great talent, there.

'Do you remember,
How good he could have been?
Had he not lived in Everyone else's dream?'

I adore this. Absolutely adore this stanza. Wow. And dear, sweet Alex...WHY DID YOU DIE?

'Once, this car sneered at speed limits.

Once, the boy within did, too.

That's why we love him.'

This was great too! You should write funeral eulogies! Everything was wonderful. Usually I'd tell someone if I thought something was a little not right (in my opinion. Seriosuly, you can't please everyone with your writing- you've gotta write for those who DO like it, right? (: ) but this is just what I deem as perfection in its highest order. Beautiful, rivetting, capturing and wonderfully well written.

If you didn't get it from the offset; I love this story. Thanks again for your wonderful piece of work!
V.I.D Vishii chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
its so sad!
greensight chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
I loved this.
Weirdly, earlier today I re-read most of Stormbreaker, including the part with the car and "unsmiling chauffear". It amazes me how many details about Port Tallon you remembered to include, like the Fisherman's Arms and shelf CL! And you mentioned everyone on the missions that loads of fanfiction authors forget.
I adored the part about the different flowers matching their relationship with Alex, and Tom bringing a football, lol. The whole concept of going back to how it all began and him being buried in the car was slightly creepy and totally genius. There was also an atmosphere of finality in the writing, if you get what I mean?
And finally - the red daffodil that spread throughout Cornwall. That was beautiful; I remember reading a children's story called The Red Daffodil once, and this reminded me of it. The last lines were so poetic.
You have a really descriptive writing style! Keep it up!