Reviews for Diamonds in Persia
Crystalmoon2001 chapter 48 . 8/26/2018
Just finished reading up to chapter 48, I am so happy that the Shah is dead, and they escaped, but please continue this story. it is great.
MissyH316 chapter 23 . 10/15/2017
Okay ...been reading nearly non-stop, and have decided to share a couple of my observations and opinions. The bottom line is that I strongly believe this story should have had an 'M' rating for its explicit, graphically violent and/or disturbing scenes. And of course while suspension of disbelief is also usually necessary to enjoy and appreciate good fiction, I've read a few scenes that are beyond suspension of disbelief to the point of being distracting to the story. Erik's treatment in the gypsy camp as the 'Living Corpse', for instance: to me, there'd be no way he could've survived that much abuse and neglect as long as it was described that he did.

Now I'm no prude, but I am a middle-aged student of history; a college-educated lady who knows all too well of the bloodthirsty, inhumane cruelty of mankind to both animals and humans alike all throughout history. But facts being what they are does not mean they're all appropriate to be shared with just everyone. I do appreciate the up-front warnings given in the chapters, warning the more squeamish readers ahead of time. However, disturbing scenes have so far been such an integral part of the story that in skipping parts of or even whole chapters disturbs the flow and continuity of the story.

Please understand that I'm not talking in terms of censorship; it's not always easy or even feasible to tell ALL historically accurate stories in polite ways. There have always been and always will be some horribly bad times throughout history, and they should be never be censored but told truthfully that we may learn from them and become better people. I'm just saying that if this was a movie, it'd have to be rated at least 'R' or even 'NC-17'.

Also, probably due to the more romantic nature of most Phanfic (as most c us love Erik!), stories here that do get 'M' ratings are usually because of explicit sexual content, not explicit graphic violence. Had the description in the stories index listing said something like "rated M for disturbing scenes disbelief graphic violence", I probably would've just passed on it altogether. As I alluded to before, it is considerate to have individual chapter warnings - but again, I think this particular story deserved to have those warnings at the very beginning, right before the 1st chapter.

Anyway... I've otherwise felt that the overall storyline and character development has been quite good, to the point where I'm hooked and now must see this all the way through - believe it or not. :) Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you. -Missy
KatAnnClaBe chapter 48 . 4/1/2016
This is the end?
I wish you can update soon. I really enjoyed your story.
Child of Dreams chapter 8 . 11/17/2015
Angel, hmmm?
Child of Dreams chapter 6 . 11/17/2015
(raises eyebrow)
As in Ramin Karimloo?
chrissymama chapter 48 . 10/28/2015
Uh oh. What happens next? I NEED TO KNOW!
Child of Dreams chapter 20 . 9/4/2015
(eyes widen in horror)
(CoM&I's face turns green and she flees bedroom just two seconds before the sound of heavy vomiting can be heard from hallway bathroom)
Child of Dreams chapter 10 . 9/4/2015
Um, I think in this case, it's spelled "cymbals", not "symbols".
Guest chapter 48 . 9/7/2014
where my dear girl is the next chapter?
Ali chapter 48 . 8/8/2014
Will there be more to this story or is this the end
thephantomsangel713 chapter 48 . 7/22/2014
I absolutely love this story! I loved that the shah was killed by fire, as he burns in hell. Though I was sad that the guard had to die as well. Is amir going to live in this story?
MoonShine01 chapter 1 . 7/18/2014
Nooo, poor Erik. Oh I am so glad Amir is healthy and well. Please update soon I can't wait to see what happens to Erik
Jelly Tshirts chapter 48 . 6/20/2014

i hope you'll have time to write soon,
i'm sorry i've been a crappy reviewer lately but it's the summer and i'm back and i love your stories so much
Jelly Tshirts chapter 47 . 6/20/2014
oooooh the people should give the guard more credit for saving them too!
i think i'm still kind of upset he died...
This is a lovely chapter and i'm glad everything is working out (kind of) for our main characters. And I'm so proud and happy for you that you're got the rights to this story and that you're gonna get it published. That's a really big deal!
Jelly Tshirts chapter 46 . 6/20/2014
I'm sad the guard died but i really hope erik is okay. The burning of the torture chamber along with the shah was a really well thought out idea, you did a really good job on that and all the foreshadowing too
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