Reviews for The Great Year
Whiskey-Foxtrot 929 chapter 10 . 7/1/2015

WHY?! WHY, WHY, WHY?! WHY DID YOU DISCONTINUE THIS?! Oh my god! This story was amazing in my opinion, and even though writing gets tiring sometimes, I still think that it's a part of our 'duty' in a sense to continue to do it, if not for ourselves, for the viewers. But that has nothing to do with it I'm assuming.

Either way, I loved this and the first story. I'm just...aargh! Lol. Why?! This was perfect. And if anyone said it wasn't or it sucked, fuck them. This is your story, your idea, your creation. Never let anything or anyone but you dictate what to do with your stuff. But...yeah.

This had a lot of potential and definitely would have stayed under my watchful eye for updates. I like the way this is set up, and I'm still eager to know what happens next. If you ran out of ideas though or need help, just let me know. I'm always willing to lend a hand in any way possible. (Except to trolls, spammers, assholes, abusers, etc.) But...yeah. Until next time, if there is one. -Whiskey
UltimateNT chapter 10 . 3/4/2014
please continue
nahzheek chapter 10 . 1/30/2014
can u write more please
Sunpelt chapter 10 . 10/13/2013
I truly think you should continue it. The story is amazing, the plot is amazing, just everything about it is great!
lack of a better name 117 chapter 10 . 8/24/2013
This story has been the second saddest thing I have read without one of the big four dying. It needs to be resolved
lack of a better name 117 chapter 9 . 8/24/2013
what a sucky situation. And a way of thinking from, Cyril, Felix, and Kate. I mean who wants to even think about thinking like that!
lack of a better name 117 chapter 8 . 8/24/2013
I'm curled up in a ball worried for what is to come next.
Insignificant Details chapter 10 . 8/14/2013
When will you update again? It quite interesting.
Dancing Lunar Wolves chapter 10 . 8/6/2013
So here we have Ch10,

Starting off with Lilly reaching the den, it was sad to see her isolate herself once more. It's not that she has given up, but hoping for something better in a situation like this is very hard to do, but she still has her dreams.

I love how this played out, with her dreams being the only time that she gets what she wanted, the only time she's truly happy while facing the pack.

And it's true about what you said about dreams. They're a window that lets you believe in something more to hold onto. It's something that many can't survive without.

But alas, as wonderful as dreams may be, they like their nightmarish others are something that you remember upon waking.

To see Tony as a headless corpse and to hear the way he talks to Lilly was disturbing, but that's the nature of nightmares, to change how one perceives a situation.

Now, thinking about how Tony has been before the movie, I could see his attitude portraying like this in the nightmare. But still, that's not the true nature of him as he changed to accept Lilly as his Daughter-in-law.

Then going on to Eve, I'm reminded of how she was in "Lilly's Choice", and it fit this nightmarish version of her far better than I could have imagined. To speak of her child and how she says that she's a curse was eye opening as Lilly did want to do the best for her family even though the outcome was different from she had hoped.

And next, Winston had his share of mocking her bravery by saying that she not only saved herself and left them all to their fates, but she also knows nothing of peace and the color of their destruction was the same as her fur.

And soon enough, all three were taking their shots at her. Ensuring that they all cut deep and told her that she did nothing, was nothing, and will be nothing. That she didn't save their world, instead she ruined it.

But, even through this trial, it's the very nature of darkness to end when a light is shown. And for some figure to drive said evil away and comfort Lilly, they must be of some significance in her life.

Even more so, it's the very nature of dreams and even nightmares to end.

I love how dream sequences play out in stories, and this one is very well done as it captured the true nature of Lilly's inner thoughts about herself and how she believes her family sees her.

Having left her nightmare and found a sense of peace, she sees Conn speaking to someone, someone familiar.

Now who this person is, I can't exactly place my finger on it, but when they say that "Lilly could be the solution to everything", you got my attention.

This has been great, and everything's falling in line.

I wonder how the conflict will play out between Lilly and the pack now.

Till Next Time
Dancing Lunar Wolves chapter 9 . 8/5/2013
Okay, finally getting back to reading and here we have chapter 9

We start off with Lilly making her way back with Cyril in tow. Now I like Cyril's attitude as even he doesn't like his pack by calling them savages, but I have the feeling that he has some ulterior motives planned by the way he talks about them.

But notion aside, Lilly seems more worried about his well being than her own safety, and Cyril mocks it in a way that makes it seem like he's welcoming it and comforts her to ensure her that everything will be fine.

My first thought about this scene was how you portrayed Lilly. Selflessly caring about another despite her injuries and unfamiliarity with him as well as her mistreatment by the pack and loss of her family.

It was a good representation of her and her true personality.

Now with an unfamiliar voice and it being so close, the two go to investigate, only to be surprise-fail attacked by Sybil. I wonder what was going through her mind when she planned her assault in the first place, some plans look better in your head than on paper, and some look better on paper than they actually are.

And Sybil sounds crazier than normal. Talk of white wolves and destruction while yelling louder with each word. I think Sybil needs a little nap, or vacation, or an afternoon to play chess with someone.

But all good rants must come to an end someday, and thankfully Sybil has someone to help her to her feet. Someone that even backs her up by defending her and even goes as far as to judge Lilly for her new status.

Such a nice character Felix is, always willing to help an older wolf to their feet and scold the youngsters for picking on them.

With Sybil now up and running like a new computer, she goes off on her own way without thinking about what happened. Ah well, at least she had fun on her escapade in her attack.

So we find that Sybil was "Made to be the voice of prophecy," in their pack. Interesting wording and a very serious take on the role as well.

What's this? they've come to a decision to go to war against the Cur Dogs?

I loved the reactions all around at this point. Lilly not wanting another war, Felix standing tall and awaiting the impending storm, and Cyril excited that everyone will finally be out of his misery.

Now with Lilly crying out to cease the war and tells them the only outcome, it catches Felix off-guard but doesn't shake his take on it.

On an interesting note, I like Felix's dialogue in the sentence after that where he says "I never make choices, I never do anything out of free will.".

What makes this interesting is that he answers as though he had never been given a choice in his entire life to be someone or do something different than what he was told.

With Cyril saying his belief in beauty, even Felix can't do anything about it and he storms away unable to choose to hate Cyril's actions. Talk about a free will argument.

While Cyril is having his fun, he's quickly reminded by lilly that there's "Other ways" to go about handling any situation. Even then Cyril reminds her that she's still got a bleeding heart for justice.

And Lilly's right, though Sybil may have had every intent to attack her, Cyril could have just stood in her way and defended her easily.

But just like that, out of frustration, Cyril turns Lilly's actions against her and reminds her that she was no better despite her injuries and reservations in fighting.

Realizing this, Lilly took off without a moments notice or even having any former thought as to where she was going. But much to her luck it's the meeting area and it has a few dens.

However, much against her luck, she runs into Glaucon and Adeimantus, her afternoon just got a whole lot better after seeing the two. And better I really mean a lot better for them because she's in trouble now.

To start off, the two are downright evil. Breaking and re-breaking Lilly's ribs and trying to inflict as much pain as possible to someone that they know can't properly defend themselves. As much as I hate to say it, Cyril was right about them being barbaric.

I do have to say this about the next few lines. Hearing what Lilly's going through, it becomes a powerful display of will when she "Had learned long ago to pray for her enemies, not to cry before them."

That line in itself is a very good take on what to do. Showing fear end resentment towards your enemies is what most people do, it takes courage to do what's right even if they wrong you.

Just as the blow is struck to break something else, none than Cyril shows up again to rescue Lilly once more. Though I find that his motive against the pack may be some long and personal vendetta, you can tell that he genuinely cares about Lilly's well being.

And what he says is true, they waste their energy picking on their leaders mate when they could save that strength for something more useful. I wonder how they'll act when they have to go back to war.

I have long wondered what Cyril's attitude would be when he was immediately faced with the danger of pain and possible death. And now I know that he faces it fearlessly while putting good use to his wit, and his timing couldn't be better with his speech.

Conn's sudden appearance puts the two would be attackers in a panic and he sends them on their way with relative ease. But not before hearing of some plan, be it brutish or not, by Adeimantus.

I didn't think that he would be capable of fashioning a plan at first, but his plan was actually of good use, more distractions, more time to save themselves with the home-field advantage.

But then again he lost some points by suggesting that they kill the beavers and possibly interrupt the course of nature itself, or possibly save it as beavers are a danger to many ecosystems.

Having gained control of the situation, Conn once again takes Lilly away from a place and situation that she's more comfortable with and then orders Cyril to stay away from her.

Though I doubt that Cyril will take heed to what Conn said, I think that things will become more interesting between the two as their personalities clash all the time.

But with Lilly being who she is, I think that she'll be the only thing that stands between the two finally snapping at each other.

This has been great and it leaves so many questions left.

Why does Felix say that he has no free will? Will the brutish duo ever learn? What will Cyril do now to see Lilly? Will Sybil ever come up with a good plan to attack Lilly?

Though these are just questions, I know I can find them in the chapters to come.

Till Next Time
Sergeant Sargent II chapter 10 . 6/8/2013
Nearly-Headless-Tony! Really shouldn't laugh, but the first thing that came to mind was Nick, the Gryffindor ghost from Harry Potter.
Intense dream...
Told them when she was born? Hmm...

And the supernatural make an appearance.

Ah, Lilly. I feel for you, i really do.
However, so far she has just been a passenger in this story. She was strong enough to make her Choice, she should be strong enough to keep fighting for it here. Come now, Flower! Fight! Sooner or later she must surely adapt and learn some assertiveness, for shear survival if nothing else.

The solution to everything? Hmm, brain cogs start turning, what details do we have to work with, who's talking, what's going on...? still getting more interesting with each installment.

Very well written as always.

Sergeant Sargent II chapter 9 . 6/8/2013

This guy is still awesome! And quickly climbing my list of favorite characters.

"an insult like that is too pitiable to warrant my attention. Don't you have anything else?" [Nice!]
"Excellent! They'll all be annihilated! What a show!" [Haaa! love this quote. now you know im crazy too.]
"Well, you didn't stop me, flower, so how much better does that make you?" [a philosophically big question, and a good point, though she really didn't have much time to intervene. still... that seems like it would eat at her for a while.]

A nihilist and a determinist, if I'm using those correctly... fun...

And still, no one knows what lilly really did. who will get to find out first i wonder?
Dancing Lunar Wolves chapter 8 . 6/4/2013
Ah chapter 8 and things are getting good.

Starting off with the Jasper pack finally back in action, we see Kate standing watch and trying to find any sign of life in the dense and darkened forest.

It also seems as though Humphrey was his old usual self, mocking the grim times and saying that there needs to be a welcome mat. I agree with him, they are practically one pack after all.

Now it's Garth's turn to speak up, and he's desperate to find Lilly. I like how confident he is about the situation at hand, he knows that she's there, and he would risk anything to have her back.

From the slight pain he caused himself, I can tell that Garth is more determined than ever to have Lilly by his side once more, he reminded me of Eve in that small scene.

So Edgar shows up... and Humphrey has a good point, where was he when all the merciless killings were going on against his pack? I wonder if he would have made matters worse then, or if he'll make things terrible for them now.

Then we have Can-do and Hutch stepping in. I still love how they're portrayed. One is hot-blooded and wants to face the enemy head on, and the other wants to be stealthy in their approach. But in the end, Hutch proves his point without much effort.

Okay, Shakey was about the last one that I thought would show up here, but we have him here as an advisor. I'm glad that he's getting some time in the story, he fits the role he's in perfectly.

Kate and Humphrey's point and counter-point were excellent lines. Humphrey tries to persuade them to listen to Shakey and scope the area out while using a good example, but Kate goes around that and Shakey defends her.

Hearing both Hutch and Can-do call Shakey an Omega, just like all Omegas, I was kind of surprised. I thought that they may have sympathy for an advisor who only wishes to help, but it appears as thought the betas "neither alpha nor truly omega" completely grasp that.

I liked this, Hutch's noble side that shows he knows what he's talking about. And he's right, if one of the leaders get captured, then there's no telling what could happen to the pack.

But Garth's determination not only throws Hutch's advice away, it also nets him a word of warning. That "A Beta's promises are like caribou committing suicide; too good to be true."

That's a line that's eerily dark for even Garth to say, it appears that he has had some kind of history with a Beta and keeping their word. I'm not going to point fingers, or name names, but a certain Beta who's standing beside him named Edgar may be who he's talking about.

Thankfully, with Humphrey being who he is, he managed to stop a fight by reminding Garth that he's made it this far. And that's saying something, to deliver Lilly Garth's corpse would be mortifying now.

Unfortunately, this little awakening didn't last long due to Can-do's sharp words. You can practically feel the sorrow when this happens as Garth remembers it all, from Lilly disappearing until he managed to set foot near the enemy camp.

The way you described what he was going through at this time was amazing as well, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, how things were odd and how things should have been different between them.

Now back with the others, Kate issues her orders, but sadly Humphrey's thoughts were completely excluded. Even though it may have been helpful advice about not putting two loose cannons next to each other, Humphrey's idea was taken out of the picture before it was given a chance.

I did find it funny that Can-do called Edgar a 'Cur', I'm sure they have no idea that they're about to face the true Curs in the story.

I liked this next part in the story, it shows a lot about Humphrey and what he has to put up with. Not being able to get a word in edgewise, and Kate always 'choosing' to cut him down. I can sense tension between the two as Humphrey "Wished he had the courage to run away".

But in spite of all of this, Humphrey has one last idea he wants to try, putting Shakey in the group to give them advice. I'll say it's a bold idea, and a very risky one considering that he'd be the only Omega amongst the Betas. But it would give him the opportunity to prove that he's something greater than what they believe he is.

And with Shakey being added in as a guide, the group is now complete. The only thing that needs to be done is to give Hutch his top secret mission.

Now I'm curious, what is this mission that Hutch has in plan? Why did Kate keep it as quiet as possible, and not even let Garth know? I'm getting the idea that Kate has something terrible in store for her sister, but I don't know why.

This is perfect, there's a huge amount of tension and loads of suspense building up, and we haven't even seen the Cur Republic yet! I'll definitely read on.

Till Next Time
Sergeant Sargent II chapter 8 . 6/4/2013
Enter the cannon characters...

"Opined"... Not word I've heard in a while. Good one.

'almost as much.' lol. A tactically sound choice of words for one in a relationship.

'He knew Lilly must not have gone willingly.' That will be an interesting conversation. Could be quite a spat actually. They may have a huge difference of opinion on this, given their different perspectives [duty as an alpha, peace as an omega].

How will getting her back mess up the peace she created? Will it? I still see an alliance. That kind of enemy [the curs] wont stop at just the Cascades. i believe the prisoner said as much in your last chapter.

'Dysfunction, the main ingredient in any successful team!' Ha! I'm writing that one down somewhere.

Do I sense tension between Kate and Humphrey? Well, well... 'Only wished he had the courage' to run away? Interesting.

Who chose this team? On what planet was this 'dysfunctional' lot the best option when a bunch of alphas probably did the choosing? Humphrey would have had some sway as Kate's mate, but still. Particularly the omegas and Edgar? How did Shakey get here? [Granted, he and Humphrey seem to be the ones saving them all at the moment, (Don't the alphas learn tactics?! What would Winston say?!) but if the alphas are in charge then how did they approve of bringing Edgar?]
On that note, where is Eve? Multiply Garth's frustration by a few dozen and then tell me how anyone restrained her? She would certainly be useful in the fight that most of the alphas seem hell bent on rushing into without a plan. [Although, if Garth blames himself then she almost certainly would blame him, so maybe having them apart is a good plan. They also would have an impossible time restraining her when necessary.]
That said, they will be fun to watch!

Sounds like Shakey will get some characterization! Awesome!

'What we discussed'? Hmmm... This sounds ominous... I am thoroughly intrigued. [As if i weren't already.]

Sure to stay interesting...
Later! -Sarge
Dancing Lunar Wolves chapter 7 . 6/4/2013
So here we have Chapter 7, and an interesting title it has indeed.

Starting off, an elderly wolf calls for war, and Conn himself believes that they should think again. He seems like a good leader and one that likes to think before he acts.

And it seems as though times are getting desperate for the Cascade Pack as well. War is imminent and they can't possibly outnumber an army of dogs, not even with Jaspers help as they were a smaller pack.

I find it interesting to see Cormac's reasoning over that of Conn's. Cormac seems like the kind to easily want revenge, while Conn wants what's the possible best for the pack despite their losses. And Conn in the end defends Lilly, a rarely seen and remarkable trait for one of their pack.

Conn's whole idea of not trying to get themselves killed is a good thing indeed, but I'm still curious as to what he will do when the time comes to face the Cur Republic head on.

Even with Conn's hesitation, they've managed to capture an officer. And I was surprised when they 'captured' the dog, I was half expecting one of them to have killed the dog on spot, it sounds like they're starting to listen to Conn's leadership.

And they captured a corgi, a cute little stubby legged stubborn corgi. It was an awesome dog to put in this part, Sinclair really lived up to his part. Citizen Sinclair I mean.

Then, as if this weren't good enough, Sinclair practically dared Glaucon to do his worst. He egged him on and declared the Cascade Packs territory the "Sovereign territory of the Cur Republic". And once again the "Pit River" is mentioned, and Sinclair seems to enjoy the idea placing them there instead.

So even Conn has had enough of this and has a telltale sign of being overstressed. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Conn doesn't seem like a terrible person, I now see him as an overstressed and under appreciated leader.

With Citizen Sinclair being right where he wants to be he wishes the worst for the wolves of, not only this pack, but all wolves in their war path. I must admit, his expectations and goals are not what I had expected, but now I can see why the wolves are afraid.

Glaucon, being the first to revert back to his old 'kill first and regret it later' mentality was easily stopped when Conn told him no this time. But Sinclair words bode terrible for them regardless, and he's right, I think killing him would make the Cur Republic wild with revenge. With a massive army and losing one leader, the Cascade Pack would only be a legend.

Lastly, I liked how defiant Sinclair was through this whole thing. Calm cool, collected, and uttering warnings and death threats while playing off his own pain and uncertain fate as a joke.

This was perfect "Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood" indeed. I'm now curious to see what's next.

Till Next Time
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