Reviews for metal sun
Guest chapter 1 . 4/30
.no i didn’t need my .break it into pieces why don’t you? lord have mercy this almost made me cry
jepsiodu chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
Closest story I've ever read on this site that's brought me to tears. Heartbreaking
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2016
o hmy fucking god. oh my god. its 2 in the morning and this fic has me SOBBING like i dont know what else and holy CRAP im feeling so many fEELINGS rn i dont. how am i supposed to handle this what the FUCK
Dracolenus chapter 1 . 6/16/2015
#crawls into corner and cries
Guest chapter 1 . 5/10/2014
This gave me chills. Scary, and absolutely stunning writing.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/17/2013
"I'm not going to make it, am I?"
Wow,that one line just tore me up. That was it,yknow, I held on for that whole half of your fic and then I read that and BAM I'm dead.
I can't believe that. Wow,that hurt. Ohmygod I can't belief that. Holy crap.i can't even-my feels are like dying. That was I can't even form complete thoughts at the moment.
Please do a happy percabeth now? Something I can read while I go cry in a dark corner?
nwyrokctiy chapter 1 . 8/11/2013
that was one of the saddest things I've ever read. and beautifula t the same time.
EmmiG chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
I'm about to cry. I'm just. so. sad. AHHHHHHHHHHHH *wails and cries horribly*
NRATQH chapter 1 . 6/5/2013
I hated you killing of Annabeth and I thought that the characters were a tad but more deppressed than usual (but than again they are in hell). It's hard to come to grips with at first because you jumped straight to it instead of building your way towards it but thats not a bad thing. It's just a certain writing style you used here but it works because of the descriptions and reasons and details you've put behind this grim demanor. I also loved the flow of your words. they just flow and you cant stop reading and thats an amazing feat in my opinion. What happens in a story is up to the writer even if readers might not like it but what makes the story outstanding is when you get the reader to read it anyway even if they might not agree with it and you definitely did that to me.

My favorite part was definitely the part where percy tries to keep annabeths spirits up because
1) It is very in character of Percy to do something like that
2) Its heart wrenching because you can already guess the ending
3) It makes the story seem more realistic and believablen because you know if there's anything demigods have in common its that wish to be able to survive and continue living with the ones you love and doing things like college and weddings (which seems so impossible most of the time due to their parents)
4) because they are both still a bit young some people tend to write those kind of scenes terribly, making the moment and unrelatable and awkward but you've managed to do the exact opposite and you deserve an applause for that short bit in my opinion )

Truthfully I would have preffered a different ending but this is your fic and you decide what happens right? ). In a nutshell GREAT job
Percabeth-is-Endless chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
This is haunting. It's really really well written and just HAUNTING.
I love just the way you wrote it. And when they were talking about their future, it was so bittersweet, and you had to end it with "im not going to make it am i?" and just the tears that threatened to spill out of my eyes ohmygods i was choking on my sobs (but i had to hold them back because crying in class is frowned upon)
just BEAUTIFUL writing :)
WisestOwl chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
This is horrible.

This is beautiful.

I hate you.

I love you.

"my heart has shattered, and my eyes have closed.
my brain swells, emotions stirring.
I am broken,
who knew, how hurtful
a short read could be?

I did not see,
the hidden tears
to come,
so soon,
too soon.

its hurts
to ignore
such feelings

buried deep underneath
the surface.

but here i shall remain
in so much pain"

Crappy poet, at your mail!

Anyways, I loved it. Keep writing, will you?
DearDemigod chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
this gave me a heart attack.
m3ggi3 chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
This is horrifically, terribly beautiful. Wow. I've read so many where they make it out or Percy sacrifices himself at the doors but this was way more powerful than that. I've got chills and there are tears on my face and I don't quite remember when they got there but, nonetheless, they're here anyway.
It makes sense though, Annabeth dying first. After all she has been battling her way through hasn't she? Broken ankle and all. Especially after facing her fear of spiders with the mother of all spiders, her state of mind would be very, very fragile wouldn't it?
Artemis-gurl chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
This was absolutely...amazing. I want to cry and laugh and roll over and stay still with a blank face and crawl into a corner and smile sadly all at once...i have no idea what to feel. This was so beautiful... Im so full of emotions right now uet so...emotionless. I have no idea what the right feeling is. This was such a deep story. I have tears in my eyes and a sad smile on my face. And oh my god the ending. the ENDING... I'll just go sit in a corner now...
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