Reviews for I'm Here
sadistic lunatic chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
Rather sad the show ended where it did, and sadder still that the LiChee ship sailed long before the show ended, too. But gawd, this fic is beautiful, and I'm sad I only got into this fandom at this time.

Thank you for the wonderful story!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/9/2017
Muito linda mesmo amei sua história continue escrevendo mais
Dalebeto Feninski chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
Damn that was good.
The Cretin chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
Hear the Roar of the Riah!

Sorry I've missed this. Been busy. Your look into the inner workings of these two is astonishing. This piece is a work of awesomeness. I like it, I like it very much.

We all will blame ourselves for mistakes. Cheetara did and she resolved them. I'm glad you had fun writing this. I had fun reading it. Can't wait to read more from you. :) Stay cool and keep rockin
II Fantasy II chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
Anzu Fan chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
I have arrived to review. At long last. The battles of college could not keep me forever.

What can I say? There's a very raw realness to the way Lion-O and Cheetara feel and act here. I'd love it if you added on more, but it works immensely well as a stand alone. The story just digs in deep and hits a place that a lot of us have been at; when we're lonely and just want somebody there that gets it. The concerns are real and I get the sense that the two are young adults that are trying to do the right thing and deal with hard circumstances, and that adds depth to the whole thing.

And the fluff was awesome. Particularly at the end when Lion-O is just practically out of his head with worry. It hearkens back to the first few episodes when Cheetara supported him and sought to do her duty as a cleric; back when we started shipping this. And it really strikes at the heart of Lion-O's character that he's so afraid of losing her and the cub. He's angry that she risks herself for him and he was just written so well. Not too immature but not too calm either. The characters were IC and thoroughly endearing.

Though I gotta wonder what Panthro's gonna do when he finds out they have to babyproof the ThunderTank, lol. A lovely read and a much appreciated addition to the TC world.
JustLucky05 chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
This was awesome! You hit their characters right on the head! I'm kinda sorry that there won't be a continuation, but I definitely look forward to reading more of your work. Great Job!
Classic Cowboy chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
WONDERFUL story! really liked how you handled Lion-O and Cheetara in this, the story flow was top notch, and characterization was spot on.

Wonderful work!
Benjyboy chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Well, I thought this was fantastic! I actually teared up at the heart-to-heart.

NoWhere ManX chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Wow...Where do I begin? Well for one. Thank you for this. Thank you for not giving Cheetara an identity crisis and forgetting that she's a capable fighting woman. It's so nice to see authors professing to try new things and be more expressive with their works, instead of rinsing and repeating the same old formula.

You have true emotional depth with these characters. They're complex and not two dimensional. Granted we get more from Cheetara's point of view, which is fine. Also what's great, Cheetara still is a cleric. She's stubborn, feisty, she's passionate. She's got strengths and faults. She's a regular person and not a caricature of a woman. A concept that many people don't grasp.

Lion-O's statement of not being sure what they should do? And how would things work out. Yet, still trying to make the best of things. This is the core of what a lot of young couples go through when they get this type of unexpected news. Very good work here, Miss-Riah, so glad you decided to post this.
Prairie24 chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
This was a lovely tale. You write LiChee perfectly. Great work!
KyleK12 chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
I'm so glad you posted this story. Such great characterization and a great plot to boot. Can't wait for your next story!
Bronwynn chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
I'm so excited that you posted this story. I think it is one of the most passionate and intense LiChee stories I've ever read. The raw emotion you've conveyed is palpable and the characterizations were amazing. It didn't shaw a happy ending specifically, yet I get the impression that Lion-O and Cheetara would work it out. The ending seemed sweet and full of hope and promise. I think Lion-O will confess that he is in love with her and she, in turn, will admit that she feels the same way about him. You showed that their feelings for one another were real—now it's just a matter of the two of them talking it out. This story is fantastic, Miss-Riah. Well done!
Heart of the Demons chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Hi there. I very much enjoyed your LiChee fic. It's got everything we ever want in our favorite couple. I do hope you'll keep on writing LiChee-based "ThunderCats" fics in the future.