Reviews for Tied Up Forever
jennrandall1042 chapter 45 . 8/25
Good read!
Twinmom chapter 44 . 7/9
Awesome! Great story, excellent writing. Thank you
keanu chapter 6 . 7/2
maybe bring his parents back blanie
Guest chapter 3 . 3/30/2018
I like the idea but you should work harder to clean up your writing. The typos make it hard to read and can be of putting. Love it though...
Alexirega chapter 21 . 2/16/2018
You are sadistic and mean
AlyLovesKlaine chapter 44 . 12/6/2017
DarrenColfer chapter 44 . 11/22/2017
Omg I can't believe it is over. Well not really because I just discovered that there is a sequel BUT it was never finished :(. So Blaine is 74 which means they age but do they grow old or stay the same? And do the kids keep aging or do they grow to a certain place and stop?
DarrenColfer chapter 27 . 11/15/2017
I forgot to ask what happened to the "B" that Blaine branded on Kurt's neck?
DarrenColfer chapter 24 . 11/15/2017
Ahhhh yesss
DarrenColfer chapter 23 . 11/15/2017
This! This was the chapter I was dreading freaking reading BUT I am ok cause I know what is coming up . But still this chapter will always be hard to read and so sad.
DarrenColfer chapter 17 . 11/13/2017
aww that ending :)
DarrenColfer chapter 16 . 11/13/2017
Yessss I was waiting for this part :)
DarrenColfer chapter 13 . 11/13/2017
In this chapter Jade was 6 when Blaine was born but in chapter 11 it says "Jade was 17 when she first held her baby brother in her arms"
DarrenColfer chapter 10 . 11/12/2017
I wish Kurt would just hear Blaine out and stop talking back to Blaine. (yeah I know, in reality that would never happen and I already read this and know what happens).
DarrenColfer chapter 8 . 11/12/2017
I have read this before and I loved it but if I am honest I forgot how mad this made me lol. I would have told Lauren to get out with all the shit she keeps talking to Blaine. I want Blaine to make Kurt want him (yes these "Blaine tortures Kurt and finally it turns around for them" fics are my guilty pleasure, who doesn't want a change from all the vanilla Klaine fics we keep reading? lol) but I will keep reading cause like I said before I loved it but I just don't remember finishing the sequel. I may rant about things but please don't take offense to what I say. I talk as if I am watching this and it is really happening, not you writing it :)
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