Reviews for Facing the Bullets
Sei chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
All of your stories are super great! I'm in the process of reading them all in the chronological order you have listed and I love them all so much! You have a great writing style and this is exactly the way I imagine Worth and Conrad would have been had Tessa fleshed them out more before calling it quits on Hanna.

I must say, though, Conrad was wrong at the beginning of the story. When Hanna said "me and Horatio," he was actually grammatically correct. Because if you take out "Horatio" you're left with "it makes me uncomfortable." You only use "I" if using "I" alone makes sense. As in "Horatio and I are uncomfortable." So Conrad can't call the grammar police on that one! :3

Either way, I love this storyline. It's well-written, well-put- together, and very well- executed. This post-apocalyptic world you created is believableto an extreme I never imagined before. Spooks and all! Your grammar mistakes are relatively few and far between so I don't get hung up on them, which is extremely nice. The length of your chapters us great, too! I love long chapters; especially since it makes up for the small amount of chapters when a bigger part of the storyline comes around.

I will definitely be saving your master list page so I can revisit this world over and over! Thanks for sharing your wonderful piece of art with all of us!
MasterofAllImagination chapter 4 . 9/25/2013
Well HOT DAMN. When I first read Up in Smoke I kept thinking that Worth was gonna catch the plague and Conrad would have to turn him into a vampire to save him, but it never happened and I've been waiting for it to ever since. Just wasn't *exactly* expecting it to happen in this fic, although the title kinda clued me in that serious shit was gonna go down. And wow. I've been meaning to leave a review but I've been blowing through this little apocalypse-verse so quickly I've barely had time to sit down and wrap my head around the story I've just finished before I start the next. (I read Up in Smoke on Sunday and haven't stopped reading since. Slowly working my way through your master list.) Where do I begin? I'm addicted in every sense of the word. Every story by you and Vaysh (did I spell that right?) has been fantastic. Not that I'm going to choose favorites, but I love your morbid sort of dramatic storytelling, the lyric flow and imagistic diction... the one repeated line from Up in Smoke sticks in my mind: "to conquer death, you only have to die" and Conrad asking what it means and Worth saying "Hell if I know." Just PERFECT; and I actually laugh out loud at their banter. (People stare at me when I'm on the bus.) I mean, I don't think I could praise this highly enough; but I wouldn't be much of a decent reviewer if I didn't put in a bit of criticism, and I really hope you take this in the best way possible. I'm thinking that maybe Worth's characterization has softened a lot from the original tone of HINABN? I mean, he's still a callous fucker but he seems a lot more willing to show a vulnerable side. MAYBE it's just Conrad, idk. I was wondering if that was an artistic decision or-? I think that's really the only thing that stuck with me though. WELL this was a super-long review, I hope allows it all to get sent. I'm off to read A Bad Name, and procrastinate on my math homework a little longer!
TenayaPyweack chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
Am I the only one who reacted by tearing up at the end of this?

I absolutely love how you brought everything full circle and let Conrad give Worth a taste of his own medicine while saving Worth's life. I also love that Conrad is able to care about Worth in your stories on a level that transcends far beyond the superficial hedonism that Worth would have ruined the relationship by settling for.

As grateful as I am for all the writing that you've already done, I agree that it would be awesome to see this epic continue. Maybe, just maybe, Worth will finally learn some humility and start living like he has something to lose. It would certainly be interesting to see the tables turned after all this time that Worth has looked out for Conrad while belittling him. But Worth always has underestimated Conrad, and I think Conrad's going to make an awesome sire. ;)

P.S. Miriam still rocks.
Kohl chapter 4 . 5/10/2013
Gosh, I really like Miriam. That was wonderful.
cranberrieraven chapter 3 . 5/9/2013
I am pretty much in love with this series? Like, everything is amazing and wonderful and perfect and brilliant and yay. (Coherency is a thing which is not my strong point, sorry.) Basically thank you for writing these stupendous stories, and please continue for a long time.
LoliPear the WaltzQueen chapter 4 . 5/8/2013
Worth's first post mortum anyerisum. *sniff* so proud
Tobi Is My Name chapter 3 . 5/8/2013
SQUEE! Fan-flippin-tastic! Aw, ConWorth together forever!
MissingMyMind chapter 4 . 5/7/2013
Worth... and emotions. ..? What HAS the world come to? Ahahaha. That was great.

Please tell me that wasn't the end though? It certainly felt like it could be the end, but I'm sure they could all get up to much more shenanigans and I really am not ready for it to stop. Although I do understand if this is the end, cause it is a nice place to stop, and oh dear I am rambling. Sorry bout that!

Anywho, great epilogue, kthxbye. *scurries off inti the darkness*
daevilgenius chapter 3 . 5/7/2013


(let's not delve into the fact that I was shamelessly reading fanfiction in the office of my supposedly respectable job)
Guest chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
I just want to thank you, both you and Vayshe. This is a fanfic that has become incredibly important to me. I have become closer to my friend by discussing (read: screeching about) the wonderful, torturous Apocaverse. We have both time and time again dropped our plans so we could catch up on the new developments and discuss what had happened and try to predict what would come. We have laughed loud and long. We have sobbed violently and with real worry and grief. We have used one-hundred variations of the word "DENSE" as we shouted about certain characters' idiocy. We have come up with little headcanons, made some pretty good guesses about the future, and discussed virtually every topic of this series in minute detail.

I regret none of this. We have become closer as friends as we have enjoyed these truly superb tales, as we have laughed and cried and joyed at the events which transpired. The characters you have crafted are not static personalities on paper, they are three-dimensional beings that bleed when cut and do stupid things because they don't know how to talk about their emotions. They have come into their own as characters we can care for, and that is a literary feat. Conrad, Worth, Hanna, and Zombie (or as we call him, Dotsy, thanks to his {...} name) have become some of the strongest characters I can recall in recent memory. They are not perfect, they are utterly too-human with their idiocies even if the majority of them don't fall under that species anymore. They are unique identities with feelings and needs and wants and yet they aren't caricatures. They are who they are - flawed but strong. This extends even into the supporting characters we find; of Herring's strength and no-nonsense personality, of John's complete inability to accept that Worth isn't going to leave Connie for him (what a cute crush, aww,) of THE BETTING POOL which took on a life of its own. This is a post-apocalyptic world and it's a horrible place, but they manage to find their little shred of happiness and cling to it, and make it their own, all while trying to make things better for the others who aren't so (dysfunctional) lucky.

I truly feel that you have done a better job handling, developing, and working with these characters than Tessa ever could have. The world you have built and the characters which reside in it are solid as stone in my eyes. To me, these stories aren't just fanfic, they are a truly wonderful and amazingly-done series which transcends the bad stereotypes of fanfic. This is a masterpiece which has been created, and it's in my humble opinion almost a shame that it could not be sold on store shelves - because I would box-set this sucker in a heartbeat. In my humble opinion, the people I have met and the world which I have explored through this series holds its own against any other literary monster you'd like to contend with... and would likely defeat many of them. It is because of the care and respect for the source material, and the utter competence you have shown in developing the characters I have no problem with calling "yours," that has made this series so strong. You are not afraid to hit the reader or the character where it hurts, as hard as you can, until everyone's broken down, and then build them back up even stronger than before. You are not afraid to let your characters make mistakes, to err, and to learn and grow. You are not afraid to let this world be all it could be, and I am incredibly appreciative.

I simply wanted to show that appreciation. Since Dense and Denser finally decided to let the l-word out of the bag, I think it's high time I show some appreciation as well. Reading the Apovacerse series has been some of the best time reading something I've ever had. I am incredibly grateful to you and to Vaysh, for giving us such wonderful characters and such a terribly beautiful world to enjoy. I think both of you would make excellent professional authors, in my humble opinion, and I'm patiently, excitedly looking forward to the next Apocaverse 'fic.
Signed, a loving and loyal fan named Roxy.
Kohl chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
That was amazing and there is so much that could be said but I feel like most of it would be expressed with an inhuman (or utterly human, I suppose, depending on your point of view) shriek of pure emotion.

This was the best thing to wake up to. Best. Thing. Although now I really need to get my butt to work because oops.

I was wondering when that would finally happen. So many thoughts racing through my head now, damn. Although I keep going back to two. The first is, of course, "how's Hanna gonna react?" And the second (and obviously most important) being "Well, damn, what's Connie gonna do in winter without his human hot water bottle now?"

A round of applause for you. You done good. Thank you for this series.
Btchbubbles chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
I was screaming.
A lot.
There was some hand waving. I jumped up and down and cursed in an empty house.
Oh god, can you write where Hanna meets his new vampire doctor? And who's gonna help zombie take care of Hanna in the day time?
And there is going to be more after this right? Please god, pretty please? The End is making me nervous cause Worth just got immortaled, you can't stop now!
Man, the only place you really could stop is when Hanna gets named king of the world, or like mayor of America? President?
Something like that, and Conrad still has the super super magic bomb.
I'm high off adrenaline and squee.
Oh god.
tasteofhysteria chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
Jill chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
damn RIGHT I punched the air and whooped at that ending. I'd completely forgotten vampires can turn other people, I'm a fucking idiot, and I was all starting to be sad and stuff. But of course it would take Worth dying for those two to finally get over their big heads. This was REALLY fantastic, thank you!
softgrungefic chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
That was pretty intense to read and kept me pretty damn enthralled throughout
And what a twist like- I had a sort of niggling at the end that Conrad would do that but DAMN I still couldn't quite believe- I mean
Great. Very great. I look forward to seeing how Worth uh... deals... with his newfound inhumanity.
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