Reviews for He Touches Things
dopeysac chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
That was so sweet!
1822andallthat chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
How cute and lovely! I like this view that although they each have a different way at dealing with the world, they are also fundamentally similar. It's a valid point and I thought what a good idea it is to make this point around the normal, everyday-life thing that is cooking . It gives your story the necessary grounding and shows undeniable caring between the characters since they cook a special recipe for each other.

Last but not least:
"Observing, my ass," she mutters.
"Oh yes, that too," he says fervently.

LOL! That was a, touch.
Sandiane Carter chapter 1 . 3/8/2013
Ohhhh that was lovely. Mmmm. Perfect morning reading. I love the way you get them, both of them, and the fact that they are indeed so much more alike than we tend to think. Unf, I would quote - there is a lot to quote - but I'm on an iPad and it makes it difficult. So I guess I'll just thank you for making me feel as happy and satisfied as Beckett in that last section :).

Also. Awesome title Laura.
Nathan fan chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
This is sooooo beautiful! There's this quiet love and appreciation of each other that melts my heart. I love how you used the 2 cooking incidents to illustrate their control differences and, as always, you infused a perfect mix of humor and banter. Special kudos for the imagery here - "a parenthesis waiting for its clause, so much better for the wait." Such a way with words!
ggfan01 chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
This is so beautifully written!
trishtumbles chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
Ooh, sweet story :)
faeriehallie chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
Very cute! :)
muppet47 chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
Oh, I really liked this look at how they both interact with the world, how they are the same and different. And I loved this:

"Observing, my ass," she mutters.

"Oh yes, that too," he says fervently.


(Is that meatloaf a recipe you have? Will you send it to me?)
missy52061 chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
I simply loved this story. so much goodness here. I actually laughed out loud at the " "observing, my ass' she mutters. "Oh yes, that too," he says fervently." (great lines). I also loved her observation at how the 2 of them needed to control things, and how they've gone about that differently. Just a great story.

and it also inspired me. I decided to make cabbage rolls for dinner after reading this!
Liv Wilder chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
That was lovely. Sweet and lovely. Perfect for a Castle-less week.

Thank you.

aussiecate chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
How can I not adore every journey you weave through Kate and Rick's psyche? Love your insight on how they both need to control things just in totally different ways.
keystothecastle chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
LOVELY, LOVELY, LOVELY! Caps TOTALLY intended! Just perfectly captures them both, all the right references, what a perfect summary ('She controls herself. He controls the world.') and a perfect last line. Just so much to commend and applaud.
Thecastlefan101 chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
I adore this! It's beautifully written and it's very characteristic. You captured them perfectly.
AliasCSINYFriendsER chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
Awww! Another perfect moment...and damn, you made me hungry. I want to try their dishes! Especially those cabbage rolls...those sound AMAZING.


cagirl1 chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
Very unique & creative: touching things. I enjoyed the story.
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