Reviews for No Promises
Anna chapter 8 . 6/14/2014
I love it. Thanks for writing
Denton Arnold chapter 8 . 12/28/2013

Denton :)
Mislav chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
Great chapter! I totaly believe in Don's reason for having second thoughts about having kids. I did like the Met's joke :)
Ugh, some of Jamie's family members can be pretty noisy. But, they only have good intents. Looking forward to read more :)
Skyler chapter 8 . 5/12/2013
I really love this! Please update soon! :)
Guest chapter 8 . 5/10/2013
Love your story was just wondering if you had any ideas on when you would be posting the next chapter.
samcheese1 chapter 8 . 5/2/2013
Aw! I love it! Hope you update soon!
Jony7 chapter 8 . 5/1/2013
MischievouslyManaged chapter 8 . 4/21/2013
heyya!X wow this story is epic!
i totally ship the Flamie romance it is amazing!
i love what you're doing with their relationship even though it is mean ;)
i can't wait for the next update!XXXX
LVictoriaAM98 chapter 8 . 4/17/2013
Gosh thanks for uploading it! I really missed reading it! As I always say they are so fucking cute! I love them and also your fanfic! I'm glad you decided to write it 'cause there are not to many out there! Mac is also I don't know how to describe it but a "very good person" as he takes into account Jamie miscarriage for cases and all of that! Please continue it as soon as possible! I literally can't wait to read the other chapter! I don't want this fanfic to ever end! Thanks for everything!
quisinart4 chapter 8 . 4/16/2013
This was such a great chapter and I love the symmetry of it, with Don taking the first step and apologizing to Mac in the beginning, and it ending with Jamie approaching Mac and saying she's ready to come back to work. I love Mac's thoughts about seeing how the two are perfect for each other.

Besides that, I also like how you've done such a great job with highlighting Lindsay and Jamie's friendship. Lindsay offering to have them come on vacation with them was so sweet, and it's such a natural friendship with their husbands already being friends. Very sweet. I also like Don's convo with his sister, the hilarious lines at the beginning made me laugh and I like that you take the time on the dialogue to really set up the conversation and establish the bond. The little details make me love the characters so much more. :)

When it comes down to it though, Don and Jamie. I like how he's always there and reassuring her and planning the vacation, they need some time away. And his promise to love their kids was all Jamie needed to hear. I already mentioned it but the detail of the birthstone ring that Don got her was so sweet, I love that.

I also noticed they haven't told their family about the miscarriage and I like that it's something private between them right now. I wonder if they will later or not... can't wait to find out. Really nice work :)

And ahhh, thank you so much for the shout out! You are so sweet :') So glad we've been talking and getting to know each other.
Brianna chapter 2 . 4/14/2013
Loving it so far. I love Flamie just as much as i loved Flangell.
Donald Flack chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
are you and james still together and i am sorry your los will jess
quisinart4 chapter 7 . 4/3/2013
Oh wow, this was good. Sad but really powerful and good. I like how you didn't just have them make up automatically and get back to normal there. It's only natural there'd be some distance from Jamie's part as she's reeling from the shock. I like how Don is trying but he also understands she needs some space. The part about how Don went home and cleaned the bloody sheets just broke my heart, but again very realistic, cause I hate how sometimes shows just forget about those messy details, but in real life, they're very visible. But then Don forgetting the car, poor guy, not his fault!

I loved Danny and Lindsay leaving food for them and the note, and I love everyone at work being supportive. The little detail you snuck in where Don has his cop friend watching Jamie at the park was so sweet. How he knows she wants some space right now but he's still gonna be watching after her the best he can. Him getting mad at Don was a good reaction too, yes, it won't help anything and it's not Don's fault, but sometimes it's like you can't help but take your anger out on someone else and vent a little. A vacation sounds nice, something to get away from it all, and hopefully like Don said, they'll have babies again :)
missmanicmonday chapter 7 . 4/1/2013
I'm enjoying the content, though I do ha ve a few issues with how the miscarriage went down in the most recent chapter. I t's not quite realistic as to what happe ned during the actual miscarriage, thoug h I'm not sure how much realism you were shooting for. The emotional aftermath, though, that was spot on. Also, I've not iced several glaring spelling, grammatic al, and sometimes poor word choices with in the context of the narrative, and tha t has a tendency to pull me out of the s tory.

Those things aside, I like the snapshot style of storytelling and what scenes yo u've chosen to highlight Don and Jamie's marriage. I've also noticed your charac terization is very well done, I can hear the dialogue in my head in their voices . Overall, it's a solid story.

Keep up the good work.
Victoria chapter 7 . 3/31/2013
Thanks for the chapter! I'm really glad you could post it! It's sad that they had so much trouble between them selfs for the miscarriage, anyway at the end they knew how to handle it! I just love them! They are just perfect to me! Thanks for everything and continue writing this amazing story as soon as you can :D
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