Reviews for Roll The Dice
Nicole The fanfic babe chapter 5 . 2/19/2014
When is next chapter ?
x3ylime chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
This is the first Jovenshire fanfic I've found that I actually like.
It's perfect! 3
PleaseUpdate chapter 5 . 9/26/2013
PleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePl easeUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlea seUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlease UpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUp datePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpda tePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdate PleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePl easeUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlea seUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlease UpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUp datePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpda tePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdate PleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePl easeUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlea seUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlease UpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUp datePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpda tePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdate PleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePl easeUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlea seUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlease UpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUp datePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpda tePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdate PleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePl easeUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlea seUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlease UpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUp datePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpda tePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdate PleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePl easeUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlea seUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePlease UpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdatePleaseUp datePleaseUpdatePleaseUpdate
SmoshyNerd911 chapter 5 . 8/5/2013
i miss this story :(
Emily chapter 5 . 7/7/2013
Amazing! Loved It! Can't wait for the next chapter! 3 3 3
XxlumpadoodlexX chapter 5 . 7/8/2013
...Wait. Where's the next chapter?! Qugsddsgfdahgdagsfaihsdfusrygwfeiwucrhbn?!)


This is firetrucking awesome! I would love to see another cheater I love this story :) JOVEN is my favourite from Smosh games :D he's so cute :)
Guest chapter 5 . 5/13/2013
Pls update
chocolover26 chapter 5 . 4/28/2013
aww thats cute and sooo awsome i love it great job. oh and i kinda want some of that cake and the dragon head thats friken awsome! great job your the best keep up the good work!(and write more ;))
Deadkid chapter 5 . 4/17/2013
SpriteCokeFanta chapter 5 . 4/16/2013
Great chapter ! :D
PapaSmurf chapter 4 . 3/16/2013
This is a truly excellent story. The balance between romance and comedy is outstanding. I really hope you will continue this story for many chapters. I could just keep reading this for hours. Great Writting, your story shows that a Fanfiction with romance doesn't have to be a porno of sorts. Having a good realationships between characters is something to be very proud of. Bravo.
SpriteCokeFanta chapter 4 . 3/18/2013
Wow ! Totes AMAZEBALLS ! Chapters are good and long too! Excellente! Update soon !

-Soph xx
UberSupper chapter 4 . 3/16/2013
This story has piqued my interest! Now to favorite 3
PrincessTwilight chapter 3 . 3/7/2013
Guest chapter 3 . 3/6/2013
Aw ye this is great.
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