Reviews for Training
Guest chapter 28 . 4/28
Awwwww this story was so adorable and I’m sad it’s over, Yasuchika x Haruhi is hard to find! I enjoyed reading the story very much and you did a great job! I hope to read more from you in the future.
(Ik this story is old but on the off chance you read this I wanted to say it.)
Much love 3
-Kimi C.
Bard of Innail chapter 14 . 10/9/2018
She just took on FIVE FIGHTERS on her OWN! And she held her own long enough for backup to arrive!
Bard of Innail chapter 28 . 7/10/2017
That was really cute. I do enjoy it when a fanfic comes along where Haruhi is NOT paired with a member of the host club. 3
Quoth the Night chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
Will you please write another story with this pairing? There's not much out there for this and I really enjoyed it!
zoey chapter 28 . 7/23/2016
Omg this is so good! I love it so far please continue
TheCauldron chapter 28 . 3/3/2016
very interesting story. great work. :)
babymunkhcin chapter 28 . 2/11/2015
This is a great story! i Really want to know what happens next!
Azure Nightcraller chapter 11 . 12/30/2014
Hi, I'm not trying too be mean but you put Tuesday instead of Friday. I wish your story was part of the manga as it about time Haruhi followed up on doing something about her unable to really fight Back. :)
yoyowezy chapter 28 . 11/11/2014
Yay! This was a great story/chapter! Although I kinda wanted to know how Haruhi and Yaschika's first date would go. I really enjoyed this! P.s. I had this idea if a hidden picture auction. Haruhi having pictures of Kyoya and Kyoya having pictures of Haruhi. The two of them going back and forth. The auction picture war between two demon lords! I really got off topic. But thanks for writing this! Ja ne! ;)
Blushing One chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
There are a lot of spelling mistakes but this isn't too bad. I am curious to keep reading. Good work.
fanfic.lover.4.ever chapter 28 . 4/1/2014
Aww that was a sweet ending. Keep writing!
loretta537 chapter 28 . 10/14/2013
this was a good story
Guest chapter 28 . 9/12/2013
.AWESOME! Thank you for writing it and putting it out there! And for sticking with it and not letting it go unfinished.
Psyka chapter 28 . 8/4/2013
Awesome absolutely loved it well done
mtnikolle chapter 28 . 8/1/2013
Nicely done. As I was reading this chapter I thought to myself, "This has a nice closing feel to it."

Congrats on finishing your first fanfic :)
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