Reviews for My Cute Captain
Snowflake97 chapter 2 . 7/8/2013
This pairing is sooooo cute! Loved it :)
SkyBlue24 chapter 2 . 7/7/2013
aww! they are sooooooooo cute!
ichigi111kurosaki chapter 2 . 6/30/2013
its adorable and sweet ! 3
Onepiecemanic chapter 2 . 6/24/2013
Ohmigod! You need to write more! its awesome!
azab chapter 2 . 6/14/2013
so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
loved it a lot, hope you update it dear :)
azab chapter 1 . 6/14/2013
cute :) I loved it a lot dear
Guest chapter 2 . 5/23/2013
hm, very nice and all, but why so short? when the story is so rarely updated, it can kinda lose its impact once it's out. It was lovely but such a small fragment can only stand for a teaser. It's more or less like with eating, either way - I really like the taste and it lingers on my toungue, but I cannot get full and the need for more is not as sweet as it might have been after getting stuffed. Longer chapters, at the very least, please! ;)
Quetoa chapter 2 . 5/23/2013
I must read more (/O_O)/ 3 I give you my love for this fic
Quetoa chapter 1 . 3/17/2013
CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! That last sentence 3
- Quetoa :3
Really Cute chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
This was really cute! Please continue it was really good and I so didnt expect it to end like that.
Kya chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
This was really cute! Hence the title, but seriously the way sanji and luffy is acting towards each other adorableness! BUT I CANT BELIEVE U ENDED IT LIKE THAT! Grr hurry with more chapters! ... Please?
one piece girl 99999 chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Nooooooooo, not a cliffhanger! I can't believe I found another Sanji/Luffy story! These things are hard to find, especially when you've read all of them...
DivineFawn chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Wow cute please continue! ;3