Reviews for Brother In Arms
DESPERATE FAN chapter 11 . 5/24
I really hope that one day this story returns. I remember reading it years ago and rediscovered it today! It's really good and I always wanted to know what happened next
Xerox2414 chapter 11 . 9/30/2019
When will u update
Dav009 chapter 11 . 6/5/2019
Really hope you update soon. Don’t leave us hanging
Guest chapter 11 . 11/6/2018
DraconicBaguette chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
Hah! Just that last sentence and you know EXACTLY what is happening.

Anyway, this is a really interesting and unique story. Now, I've read one before where Jack is Thundercracker, and thus Starscream's brother, but those were under different circumstances than this one. Plus, it's Skyquake, a mech we didn't get much of in the cannon series and who's brother fans quite enjoyed.

But having Jack being Skyquake and seeing what he's doing with the experience of the warrior while acting as SIC on the Nemesis? Truly entertaining. I do hope you decide to continue this because the story is quite enjoyable and I must say I'm curious as to what the Decepticons, specifically Dreadwing and Megatron, will do when Skyquake is revealed to actually be Jack.

Whether you decide to continue this or not, I hope you know how wonderful of a story it was.
3DSreader chapter 11 . 5/30/2018
Please continue this! Its absolutely amazing and one of the best fanfiction i have read out of many! Please dont let it die!
Dreadknight12 chapter 11 . 5/2/2018
I really like the story so far especially the part where he kills the two Starscreams, and I also liked the interaction between Jack, and Skyquake, but I also want to know what will happen will he be placed in a stasis lock just like the other Decepticons, or will he manage to get to the control and remove the dark energon from the ships core, or will Raf, Fowler, and Miko unlock him from stasis like in the actual show?.

P.S: when will Arcee just admit her feelings to him, or will she just constantly see him as just Skyquake and emotionally hurt him more, oh and it was bad ass how he ripped his own arm off.
Knockout Starscream chapter 11 . 4/12/2018
Just finished reading all the characters. This story is interesting great job.
WonkyDonkeyHunky chapter 11 . 4/3/2018
I have no idea if you dropped this fanfic or not… BUT please write more… please? Pretty please? With high grade energon on top? Thank you…
MadnessJones chapter 11 . 4/30/2017
Going from the clone episode to the Trypticon ship gaining consciousness episode? How long was Jack asleep!?
VFSNAKE chapter 11 . 4/30/2017
Nice! Love how that went. Jack may have saved Megatron, but it was with purpose. Now he has to deal with the actual ship. No breaks for that one.
MadnessJones chapter 10 . 2/8/2017
Wow, this is a really impressive AU scenario! The characters are all in character, the story feels new, yet there's enough here from the episodes to understand where the story fits in the timeline. I hope you continue this story :)
levi.hall.9279 chapter 10 . 11/17/2016
Duh duh duuhh I hope you continue with this story it was excellent chapter
NeutralGuise chapter 10 . 11/9/2016
This is a really interesting story; thank you for sharing it with us!
ohmygiddyaunt chapter 10 . 9/4/2016
So glad you are still updating this story! This was a great, entertaining bug bomb, Airachnid!
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