Reviews for Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Guest chapter 49 . 6/12
No hombre sigue escribiendo porfis esta interesante tu historia hay porque siempre que encuentro una historia buena,siempre esta incompleta , por que mi suerte es haci de mala con migo
guest chapter 5 . 8/24/2019
FanGirlie101 chapter 49 . 8/12/2019
Keep writing!

I have an idea for you to don't have to use it if you don't like it but um...

- What if Kim finds out that Jack had a bet with a friend on her and she runs from the scene crying, then Grace and her gets in this HUGE fight and she gets ignored by like, everyone, except Jack. He keeps trying to apologize and she eventually forgives him but still admits that she's still really hurt that he just played around on her and didn't mean anything he did. He's devastated.

- So after that, Kim gets kidnapped by someone, (it could be from her last school (that would be really cool!), Black Dragon Dojo, or a stalker boyo) gets taken out of the state and tortured raped abused. Meanwhile, Jack wonders where she is and Grace comes up to him worried about Kim too. They decide to partner up just for this time. They go to Kim's house and before they could ring the doorbell, the door flies open by her Mom or Dad or both who have tears in their eyes, asking if they've seen Kim. Grace Jack are shocked realizing that Kim's parents don't know where she is which means that if she hasn't been seen for about 7-8 days, she's either run away or has been kidnapped.

- They all go inside of the Crawford's house and start trying to figure out what has been going on. They soon hear pounding feet on the stairs, followed by 2 voices screaming, "Is she back?! Is Kim back?! Is she, is she, is she?!". 2 voices and their persons show up in the doorway of the room with hope but realizing Kim isn't there, they start crying and trudge back upstairs.

- They soon decide to make a search party with the family, Jerry, Grace and her family, Jack and his family, the gang, friends, and police. They soon find somewhere outside the school (or in the mall), a place where there's obviously been a struggle. Kim's stuff is spread out and her trophy from her first Wasabi Warrior tournament, is crushed on the ground. Jerry finds a large piece of Kim's jacket on a branch somewhere later.

- Realize (somehow) that Kim's been taken out of the state and follow the trail.

- Kim at some point tries to run but gets hurt and boy finds her and takes her back doing worse.

- A point later, when Jack, Jerry, Grace, part of her gang, are in the area where Kim is, they see Kim's torn up jacket and hear a scream and whimper. Jack's the first one running finding her, starts beating up dude with Jerry for having the "love of his life" in captivity for 4-6 weeks. Dude falls unconscious, Jack hears a whimper and his name from Kim, they talk softly before Kim blacks out for a while...

- 3-5 days later she wakes up in the hospital with Jack sitting next to her holding her hand and halfway on top of the bed asleep. She plays with his hair and he wakes up... VERY CUTE EMBRACE!

- 2-3 days later, she goes home.

- Life slowly goes back to normal before she starts having really bad flashbacks. Jack takes care of her but soon she starts "hallucinating" that someone (dude who kidnapped her) is following her. Jack worrying but not quite believing her tries to convince her that dude's not real.

- A few days later, she's kidnapped again... uh oh... but with an entire gang organization, who, apparently, is taking her because they want to hurt Jack. Best way to do that is hurting his love.. EEK

- Kim is gone again for 3-5 days, escapes SUCCESSFULLY, and is trudging home when she hears her twin siblings scream her name and run out to hug her. Smiling softly and sadly, hugs them back, when she hears Jack coming and tells the kids to go back inside... However it's not Jack... it's the BAD DUDE! He grabbed her from behind and tries to drag her back to her car, but is stopped by Jack tackling him. Bad Dude gets arrested and Kim is taken back home...

- Kim gets slowly back to normal, longer than last time... but doesn't have flashbacks as much.

- Jack gets hurt/beat up?

- Kim help him?

- Happy ending with healing hearts...

Sorry I know that was basically an entire story itself and it started to get really long and boring, but you're such a good author and I was trying to catch up! Anyway, hope you're doing good!
FanGirlie101 chapter 48 . 8/12/2019
I'm sorry about your family. Yes, I know, saying that is kind of cliche' (i don't know how to spell it right on a laptop) and cringe-worthy, and kinda "Um...thanks?" but I just wanted to let you know that I hope your family works things out soon! I love this story so freaking much and I really really REALLY want you to keep updating on here! I can't imagine living with all of these Kickin' It fanfiction cliffhangers going on here without an answer!

I hope you and your family gets love and support from extended family, neighbors, and friends because of what I've read on your author notes, you sound like one heck of an amazing person. You keep your cool, even when people comment being jerks, you write with a passion I don't see a lot on Fanfiction, you're kind and considerate and try to help people understand why updates are sometimes irregular, and honestly? You sound beautiful... I know that's a kind of a weird thing to say/write, but I'm not joking! You put your heart and soul out on here and I'm really happy that I can connect with an author over something that isn't just Kickin' It...

I hope your life improves. You sound like an amazing person, and this is all supposed to make you stronger and harder to break down. (Like da song "(What Doesn't Kill You Makes You) Stronger by Kelly Clarkson.) I hope you get all the love and support you deserve.

Hope you update soon and see that at least 1 person loves your writing...
FanGirlie101 chapter 20 . 8/12/2019
OMG! YOU SCARED ME! MY HEART COMPLETELY STOPPED! DON'T DO THAT! It isn't very nice and you are such an AMAZING author! I almost started crying... I'm not going to your house ever after you said that comment. I'm freaked out now... Please keep writing! You're SO FREAKISHLY AMAZING! *runs down the stairs, trips, start falling down the rest, jump up, run out the front door and screams outside "AUTHOR JACKANDKIMFOREVER IS THE BEST AUTHOR EVER!" screams all around the neighborhood with people looking at me like I need to go to an insane asylum, arrives back at house, Mom looking at me like she doesn't know where I came from, run up the stairs, quickly closes the door, sit and spin in my spinny chair, enter password on laptop, and starts reading*

Guest chapter 49 . 5/8/2019
Hi.I know its like 2019 lmao but this has been so far one of my favorite stories on here. I just hope u update this soon. But I get it if u don't and that u have other things going on. Thank you for an awesome story
Guest chapter 48 . 3/30/2019
Update please, you left me on a cliff hanger. I love this story, please continue
Guest chapter 49 . 1/14/2019
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please update soon
Lisakicklove chapter 28 . 12/5/2018
Kick forever yay!
Rosabelle chapter 49 . 7/22/2018
Please Continue its really good!
sasuino63 chapter 1 . 7/20/2018
Huh, well this is surprising, added this to follow a little over 5 years ago, I’d be down to read the story if you decided to continue it tho haha
guest chapter 49 . 7/17/2018
yes please finish
blehblahblehblah chapter 49 . 7/16/2018
Kkxo chapter 49 . 7/15/2018
I would love for you to finish this story
Guest chapter 49 . 7/15/2018
I'm not really in this fandom anymore either, but it would really be so cute and nostalgic for you to finish this story! I remember your story being one of the first few I ever read. Hope you continue!
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