Reviews for Before The Dawn
Brooke chapter 11 . 8/15/2013
inactiveaccountdeleteplease chapter 11 . 7/2/2013
Oh, I hope you update, I love this story, it's amazing ;)
inactiveaccountdeleteplease chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
I love the starting and I agree there is not a lot of Vaughn stories, he is amazing and I love the accents on TVD ;)
Guest chapter 11 . 5/16/2013
Update Soon Please
Krisanna chapter 2 . 5/14/2013
Hey! Let me just start by saying what a fan I am of your story. I mean, I really like Galen vaughn and I thought it was a pity that tvd didn't explore his character further, so i love the fact that you're writing one about him. Except...he's supposed to be this tough guy who doesn't give about anything. Loving the story anyway :D
rachida chapter 11 . 5/13/2013
love the chapter. I wonder what vaughn and autumn decide to do. I really hope that she takes the cure and Vaughn and Autumn have a happy ending. I don't think it will happen though. Even if Autumn took the cure and Silas turned to stone, it probaby wouldn't be a happy ending. Rebekah would probably just kill Autumn again.
WarriorPrincessNumber42 chapter 10 . 5/6/2013
I have a feeling that Vaughn is not going to be pleased about having to work with the very man he's destined to destroy.
courtcourtrawrs07 chapter 10 . 5/3/2013
Yaay! An update! Was so glad to see this after I refreshed the page. Great work on this chaper. And thanks for continuing to write even though you didn't plan to make it this long. I'm personally glad you did. And it's horrible that someone would send a message like that just because you haven't updated, it is a very rude thing to do. But either way, whats done is done and I hope to see another new chapter up soon! But if you don't update it's fine, you have perfectly good reasons to be distracted from writing. Those of us who love the story will await a new chapter patiently without complaint.
Keep up the great work and I hope all is well. :)
khaleesiofthewolves chapter 10 . 5/3/2013
Keep it going...
WarriorPrincessNumber42 chapter 9 . 4/16/2013
As much as I love Vaughn's badass-ness in getting his revenge against Rebekah, I would like to see a little more retaliation from Autumn. Great update though. I wonder if Damon and Vaughn are slowly becoming friends?
WarriorPrincessNumber42 chapter 7 . 4/7/2013
...holy crap! I did not see that coming at all! Things just got REALLY complicated! I wonder how Autumn's mother is going to react.
SPARKELS77 chapter 9 . 4/6/2013
Aww Galen is such a sweetie and him and Autumn are so cute together!
rachida chapter 9 . 4/5/2013
* bursts out in a happy dance*. I loved this chapter. I like how you made vaughn badass and how rebekah payed for her crimes.

I also liked the suprise at the end. I was hoping for it, but I didn't see it coming. I wonder what Silas wants though. Nothing good can happen from trusting him. He better stay away from Vaughn :P.

I don't know if anyone else has requested a pairing yet, but I would love to see a Kol/oc one. I know that you have already done one and I loved it, but I want another one. I can understand if you don't want to do another Kol/oc one. I guess that I could also accept a Elijah/oc or a Silas/oc.

I do have an OC in mind though. The oc is a 112 year old powerfull witch (looks like she is 22) who happens to be Damons best friend. No one knows about her untill she comes to visit damon.
They met eachother about 90 years ago when Damon tried to feed of her and she kicked his ass. They have been friends ever since
The girl is tough, stubborn, has a sharp tong and a sweet side that she only saves for Damon.

She also has a secret and the people in Mystic Fall would love to find out what she is hiding( Damon knows her secret).
She catches the eye of Kol, Elijah or Silas and he gets fascinated by her. He knows something is of and he wants to find out what it is. He ends up falling in love with her. This is the start of a very difficult relationship.

I would prefer a Kol/oc story, because he hates Damon. The girl and Damon are best friends and she would never fall in love with Damons enemy. It would get alot more fascinating with Kol and Damon at eachothers throats.

This is merely a suggestion. If you have a better idea/story with those pairings I would to read it too.

Fingers crossed that i'm one of the first 3 :P.

Please update soon.
rachida chapter 8 . 4/4/2013
Hmmm. I love the story so far, but I'm having some difficulties accepting Autumn becoming a vampire ( I hope it's temporary, but I guess that I have to accept it). It's all kind of messed up. She will never have a happy ending with vaughn (turning vaugh in a vampire wouldn't change that, because vampires don't have happy endings).
I do hope that you intent on making Rebekah pay for what she did. She destroyed a life for no reason at all... Maybe Vaughn could revenge Autumn.

I'm still curious about Autumns friends. You never described what happend. I would love to see one of them make an appearance. Maybe one of them survived and Silas is manipulating him.
I also want to know what Autumn told the parents of her friends. She must have an amazing lie to explain their deaths/ dissapearance.
I also want more Vaughn! You can never have enough of Vaughn.
snakebite4 chapter 6 . 4/2/2013
omg i love this! but...there's something fishy about Autumn..hmm, I have to go. Will surely read the rest once I'm free :3
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