Reviews for The Exchange
Angie chapter 12 . 7/2/2018
Hella deep and messed up, no offence? But it’s understandable if you got stuff happening in life and you can’t write. You’re setting better priorities anyways. Life, family and everyone irl over this story.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/8/2016
Sakura doesn't act like she's been through many hardships- seriously she seems really/somewhat happy-ish like she hasn't seen her friends and family die and all that crap. Look, even if she go back in time she should be...I don't know- sad, detach, cold and and I'm pretty sure anyone who went through so much would have PTSD and nightmares... And your writing style is not that good. And the name 'Shade' is a foreign name- What I'm trying to say is keep the name in japanse. If the anime your writing a fanfic about had a lot of foreign bame being used, the great! Go ahead and use foreign names but if your writing a fanfic about some anime that doesn't use any foreign names then don't use foreign names. Because if you use a foreign name for just one of your OC and the rest has japanese names...then it just looks weird and stupid.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2016
I never really understood why so many writers feel the need to describe crying with 'a lone tear' since that makes it soooo dramatic. I mean normally that kind of stuff happens in the movies and not in real life. If a friend just died in your arms, then you're definitely going have lots of different types of liquid including snot leaking from your face.
ClaimInsanity chapter 12 . 3/6/2015
Dear AniRain,
First off your story is wonderful, and I get a feeling when you rewrite this it will be even better. Second I would like to tell you that if you ever find the need to talk to someone I will surely lend you my ear. I have read your reasoning for discontinuing this story and it touched me. You are a strong woman because despite all the shit that has been thrown at you, you are still standing. Stay strong and happy and no matter what someone says to you just follow your heart. I'm sure if you work hard then the reward you will reap will be better than you imagined.
A person who understands the struggles of life.
K A A Y O chapter 12 . 2/15/2015
I personally think your work has been good so far. I also think you are very strong. My parents have gone through a divorce and I'm only a year older than you. Everyone handles things differently and as a parent I believe you father should accommodate you for it. It is time to be mature about it, you can only control yourself. However, when you feel down about it: cry. It is hard to understand how a two people can be together for a while, say "I love you", and then decide not to feel that way anymore. It's confusing and scary and even I'm a little fearful for if it could happen to me. We can't live with anger, sadness, or confusion though. We must be clear headed. You aren't in college yet, I'm assuming. As a current freshman in college, I can attest that I switched my life goals about 10 times already. So do not worry you will be flexible at university. Stay happy and have fun. Don't harm yourself with the use of alcohol or God forbid something else. Feel free to message me if you ever need anything. I am always willing to speak to others in my same situation. Good luck friend!
kaze no rin chapter 12 . 2/14/2015
hi I'm currently experiencing somthing similar.
Reading your note made me tear up. The pain might never fade completely but, over time it might become dull. Let's all hope history would stop repeting it self. I really want to thank you for writing such wonderful chapters so far and I can tell that you have put a lot of effort in them. thank you
unknow98 chapter 12 . 2/14/2015
hey it might suck now but think of all that happened as challenges being able to "finish" just proves how strong you are.
SpringSugar chapter 11 . 9/19/2014
Please update soon! :D I wonder who Sakura's love interest would be (apart from Lucifer) :P
The Whimsical Ermine chapter 11 . 9/18/2014
thats some messed up fire.
LeonaMasha chapter 11 . 9/11/2014
Love it when Team 7 sticks together! Thanks for the update!
Freddie4153 chapter 11 . 9/6/2014
Fin-Ano-Baka chapter 11 . 9/4/2014
Sasuke! Yay! I loved this chapter, like, no words to describe it... In fact, your story makes me feel as if I'd rather this be the plot of Naruto, lol! Nice chapter, really!
Guest chapter 11 . 9/2/2014
Ah, the bond of team 7 is stronger than ever. I always love fanfics like this! There is such beauty in trust and friendship. Thanks for the update!
arxmaverick chapter 10 . 9/1/2014
You should really continue this story.
Fin-Ano-Baka chapter 10 . 4/25/2014
... Awesomeness! OMG! I absolutely love your story! Please update soon kay? Much love XD
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