Reviews for Like A Dream
Sumary chapter 41 . 2/25/2018
Ive sent and ill be sending energy vibes into the universe in hope they reach you and make you write another chapter very soon.
Sora4D chapter 1 . 1/12/2018
Please update asap!
pmann1 chapter 41 . 4/22/2017
This is one of the best stories I have read on here! You do such a great job bringing everything together! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE! I'm begging you..
MoonLunacy chapter 41 . 2/24/2017
COMPILING CHAPTERS WAS THE BEST DECISION I MADE! If only because I came back to the story to find out Yuna and Itachi finally (still trying to kinda deny) admitted their feelings to themselves. It is sad though how they know about their future and how their relationship will take a turn because Yuna doesn't want Itachi to die to protect EVERYONE but Itachi would rather die for the sake of everyone especially Yuna. I AM GETTING SO EXCITED FOR THIS!

They're 14-15 now right?
PipessG chapter 41 . 1/12/2017
XCeriseX chapter 40 . 10/17/2016
Love it, love it, love it! This chapter was sooo good! I started crying! Keep writing and making me cry! Can't wait for Ch. 41!
inactive126790 chapter 40 . 10/2/2016
Still the best writer on the site, I see. ;)

Haven't read on here in a VERY long time. It was nice to come back and read this update. Fantastic job, as always. I hope all is well with you.

Yuna is such a great character. Very developed, dynamic, everything... :)

The only thing I noticed was towards the end, it says, "Metsu (erase), " Yuna said."

Accident? :D
Guest chapter 37 . 8/17/2016
Onepiecelover4ever chapter 39 . 8/10/2016
B.Boppolop.p chapter 38 . 7/29/2016
So, I was able to get through the story within a couple of days and I must say I am impressed. I loved every bit of this so far and I look forward to more!
Cerise chapter 38 . 7/14/2016
Great job so far! I love this story so much. One question, did Itachi seal away Yuna's memory of that one dream, the racey one? I think that he would if that was her reaction to it. She seemed to be normal the next morning. I just would like to get this cleared up.
LovePink1125 chapter 38 . 7/11/2016
Love your story. Please update soon.
LizWhales chapter 38 . 7/5/2016
Ahh! I'm so happy you updated! Keep up the great writing; I love this story! Looking forwards to the later chapters and the plot changes~
sxcond chapter 6 . 7/5/2016
I have decided to skip ahead a couple of chapters where the writing will hopefully be better. Sorry. The telling was too much for me... I felt like I was reading about Yuna's life instead of experiencing it. Technically, I am reading it. But I think you get my point?
sxcond chapter 5 . 7/5/2016
Same problems as in the previous chapter. By the way, humanoid is an adjective not a noun. "Asked the humanoid" is grammatically incorrect. Also, here are some issues I have with your characterisation. 1. Why would the third Hokage be stunned? Everyone wants to become stronger, even five year olds. Especially five year olds in war time. 2. Orochimaru really acquiesced that easily? You have an unstable point of view in this chapter too. Finally, I would like to point out that at this point in time Yuna is like a little princess. A tragic one, sure, but still a princess. Currently, she's getting all that she wants with little effort. This'll probably change in the next few chapters, but I'm just saying this now. In case it doesn't.
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