Reviews for Gul ned Gwaedh
tati1 chapter 5 . 1/13/2017
Oh good, I was wondering how you'd resolve that. And Sherlock gets to keep some of his hoard via John, so that's nice.
Where are they going to live?!
Elise chapter 5 . 9/1/2016
It's a wonderful story.
PurpleReader29 chapter 5 . 1/6/2016
Thank you for this amazing story! It is so well written and gave me lots of warm fuzzies. A wonderful story of true friendship and I love all the Sherlock and Watson interactions in the dreams. Thank you, thank you!
VKMP chapter 5 . 10/22/2015
I want to see Gandalf's view on this...and possibly the war with a dragon in it.
Dontblink chapter 5 . 7/15/2015
Next chapter please! Lol
Guest chapter 5 . 1/21/2015
Well, good thing armies and fun-times destruction is ahead lol - they could do with a little more adventure :)
Tsumujikaze Yumi chapter 5 . 1/17/2015
Great! Thank for the reading :)
WrenWeir chapter 5 . 9/28/2014
*Squee* this is exactly the John/Sherlock/Bilbo/Smaug story I have wanted to read where they have their memories of their previous lives. I love it :) and I have really enjoyed your writing.
Jafndaegur chapter 5 . 6/12/2014
Aw:) are you going to update next? Perhaps an epilogue?
Jean Kirkland-Hetalian chapter 5 . 6/10/2014
Loved it!
Gracey chapter 5 . 6/9/2014
You! Yeah, you there! Come here! You have just ripped my heart to pieces and scattered them all over Middle-Earth! What do you have to say for yourself, you genius, you!?
JarneBro chapter 5 . 5/2/2014
This is a friggin' beautiful story! Why does it have to end?! ;_;
thunderstorm-skald chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
Oh, hell, this is boss!
Gimlifan8 chapter 4 . 4/22/2014
Oh, another thought, do you think you can weave some deductions in the plot? Just like without protectiveness of treasure, Smaug is not himself, without deductions, Sherlock isn't quite Sherlock.
Gimlifan8 chapter 5 . 4/21/2014
Amazing! From the moment when Bilbo told Gandalf about Sherlock, I was hooked. This is by far the best Hobbit/Sherlock crossover around, so thanks for writing it, and please update soon!
PS: Loved Smaug referring to Bilbo as his most valued treasure!
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