Reviews for Burn
TwiTwiAgain chapter 14 . 3/12
I think B is being unreasonable.
TwiTwiAgain chapter 13 . 3/12
Bella is all over the place. All the time.
TwiTwiAgain chapter 3 . 3/9
I love the fun in juxtaposition to the mystery.
Angelmagnet chapter 1 . 3/5
Oh my goodness, I felt like Bella, Couldn't stop reading. So happy I found this fic. So ready for this new and his father are outrageously Out of line. Shame on their tactics , Edward is right.
Ramakawi chapter 39 . 1/19
Ça n &
vampirelady13 chapter 2 . 9/23/2019
So the Cullens when Bella bowed down I hope Bella stick's up for herself sometime. Wow and she let Edward make a fool of her. When is she going to learn. I hope she dont fall at his feet to fast. She needs to make him work really hard for it.
vampirelady13 chapter 1 . 9/23/2019
I hope Bella does not give in and work for them. What Edward is doing to Bella i dont want him with her. He does not deserve her. Carlise is an ass. Thank you
Guest chapter 34 . 4/2/2019
It doesn’t sound like ADHD his symptoms are pretty bang on to my godson when he was diagnosed paranoid Schizophrenic at 20. No doctor but JS. Even still dumb move to not focus on your safety when trouble has followed this guy since the beginning AND you promised you wouldn’t do this AND your pregnant. A conference room would have been fine. Most insightful thing Renee said was Bella like Charlie put others before their partner. It’s actually not noble it’s a wee bit selfish. Especially when you expect it from them.* Sigh*
QueenGB chapter 41 . 4/2/2019
I have read most of your stories and I really love the way you write and tell a story. Thank you for putting yourself out there for us to yell, laugh, cry, sigh and enjoy. And thank you for keeping your stories here on FFN I know they can often be difficult too. Be well.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
This is a great storyline, please continue. I would love to see where you go with this!
Lady Ramona chapter 42 . 12/14/2018
Very well done, thank you for the time and attention to detail.
A most enjoyable story.
Guest chapter 34 . 10/27/2018
I think this Bella is an idiot or still in love with James for trusting him !
Guest chapter 17 . 10/17/2018
A single woman is addressed as "mademoiselle." "Madame" is reserved for married women.
Payton79 chapter 42 . 8/23/2018
What a wonderful story. I expected nothing less from you, though ;). It's sad so many innocents had to die but wie, it was great.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/10/2018
Does Edwadr think that he can "make it up to her" by taking her to dinner or using her for sex? Cause I really don't see how he is going to make up for ruining her dream and business. My guess is hes gonna try to date her...and that doesn't make up for jack shit. All that does is get him laid.
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