Reviews for Entwined
ktmxau chapter 5 . 5/28
:D they meet
can't wait for some fluff to start ;)
Loralie Gold Dream chapter 5 . 5/27
Something tells me that Gon might be placed with Alluka as a gaurd/palymate.
Female chapter 4 . 5/17
Please update your story it's so great
WhiteAngelKillua chapter 4 . 4/16
I found u and this story on AO3, Im loving ur stuff, esp. the Hunter x Hunter stuff of course. I read the 1st 2 chapters of this story there, then came here hoping there was more hopefully, and there was, yay. Was the 1st chapters of this story on AO3, the same as the 1st 2 chapters here. Ie the revamped version, or the 2 chapters on AO3 of Entwined the old version still. Either was, Im probably gonna re-read the 1st chapters here in the future.

Anyways, Im loving Twin Rivers a lot so far, not super far in yet though. I found Two Rivers through Entwined and another person's story inspired by yours "Diverging Rivers", which Im also really liking so far. I like how ur Twin Rivers so far from what I read is inspired more by 1999, and maybe the story will start being inspired by 2011 and the manga later on. Anyways, really liking ur Twin Rivers Stories so far, Im really happy I also have Diverging Rivers to read too which is more based on 2011, maybe manga and 1999 later on, but for now mostly 2011.

I like having 2 alt. universes, with a Fem! Gon and Killua paring made 2 different creators, both having their stories more based on one then the another, and both having pretty different takes its nice. I hope the creator updates soon, haha. Sorry, went on a bit of a tangent there. Anyways, Im really happy u are revamping and continuing this series, Im really loving it so far, Im really excited to see more of Killua and Canary. I hope there might be some interactions with them, and with them and Gon's crew like Ging and Kaito/ Kite, looking forward to it.

I never read the original version, so I never saw the old version of chapters, esp. this chapter which u said was pretty different than the old one. Was the old one up to chapter 6 or was there more. Will the future chapters past this one also be pretty different than the old one, like this chapter, until we get to brand new content, just curious?

Im also really excited for more Hunter Club too, just barely started it though, so luckily I got a lot more to read, so I dont have to feel like Im waiting for more too much yet. Unlike this fic, which I already gobbled up completely. Is Killua the son of Mafia boss? if so thats perfect, Killua being a part of a mafia family, and being a (kinda) mafioso is just perfect in a more modern AU. Anyways, looking forward to it. I really like ur Fem! Gon and Killua stories.

Kinda makes me want u do a story with a Fem! Kurapika, which I think Hunter Club is, with a Fem! Gon, which is cool, and esp. want to see u do a story with a Fem! Killua. I dont know, Im just curious, and I would love to see a Fem! Killua story and how u would characterize and Fem! Killua. Just a wish. Im loving the mostly Killua and Fem! Gon stories, anyways. So while a Fem! Killua story done by you would be cool, Im still loving ur current HxH stories and Killua and Fem! Gon stories right now a lot, so I dont really need my wish granted.

Just a hope of mine, I just really like ur writing style, and love Fem! Killua stories like I do Fem! Gon, its hard to decide which one I like more, I like both a lot. But yeah, would only want u to write one if u had a good idea, and if u want to, would never want to force u, u got a life and other stories and stuff. Just a wish of mine, that would be super awesome. Im liking ur Prince of Tennis and Merlin stories, esp. Ryoma x Reina, a Fem! Ryoma is cool, plus I love Prince of Tennis and Ryoma a lot.

And like Twin Rivers, Hunter Club, and ur other stories I still got a lot more to read, I just found u, so Im still super behind. Only one I have finished so far is Entwined, which I loved. Though admittedly, the Hunter x Hunter stories are my favorites, esp. ones with Killua x Gon and/ or Fem! Gon ships, and ones that focus on the Zoldyck family and the servants like Gotoh & Canary, to name some which I love. If Tsubone and Amane also showed up that would be cool. But Im happy for at least Gotoh and Canary to be here. I love them a lot.

Also, I love Canary's characterization so far, she is such a badass hard ass, but also protective and caring/ soft too. And loyal and dedicated with good hunches, smart, and really good at her job and looking out for the Zoldycks. Killua from what Ive seen and read so far, characterization is really good too, which is great, a lot of people have a hard time getting him right. Loving Fem! Gon, Kurapika, Ging, Silva, Mito, Kalluto, and Hanzo in ur stuff too and how they are characterized. Excited to see more of Killua and Kalluto. Also, excited to see the PT, or/ & at least Feiten show up, and maybe Leo too.

Plus, I like how at least this story is focusing on Killua, Gon, as well as Kalluto, and she is Fem! Kalluto too in this, which is cool. I love the Zoldycks (nice seeing Xeno and Silva. Though some Zoldycks its more of a love/ hate thing. That said, I just really love the Zoldycks, and find them and their dynamics and (mostly twisted) love and care for each other interesting, but also sadly pretty messed up), and esp. all the three of the younger siblings. I love them a lot, ie Killua, Alluka/ Nanika, and Kalluto.

I really like the Nen/ magic/ ley lines thing in this, and the priestess and living gods/ relics/ deities/ etc. thing. And there being pirates, and people on ships, and the cool relationship building between Ging and Silva. And the Zoydyck family, Freecs family, and Padioka/ Padunko or something like that, you Killua's country/ where he lives and other countries (like the one Ging, Hanzo, Gon, Pika, and co. are at) building is just cool. Basically like the mythology, world building, and Nen/ magic/ spirituality kinda integrating with each other a lot, excited to see more of that. And of course more character and relationship building too.

Liking ur OCs so far too, like Celeste I think is one, and the old strong guy that attacked them in this chapter I think (nope, think that is not an OC I think, but actually Netero, nice seeing him), and Ging's princess. Im not surprised Ging did something like that with s princess, Im also not surprised that he got kicked out. Gon being kinda a princess in interesting. Poor Ging being taunted by Pariston. And getting the wrath kinda of Mito, nice seeing here and Grandma Abe here too, and Hanzo.

Also poor freedom-loving Killua being trapped like that, basically a prisoner in his own home/ palace. I love how much he has tried to escape, and at his point he doesnt even care about getting punished or the possibility of being so if caught, because he just really wants to escape, and because he is just bored and being a thrill-seeker/ adrenaline-seeker I love it. Im curious about this new escape plan of his.

I hope the silver/ white-hair, heir, magic/ Nen, and ley (or was it key)-lines connections are got more into in your story, I would love to see ur take on that, and heir choosing and stuff. Didnt really explain well want I think would be cool to see (dont have to do it of course, if u dont want to) with the white hair stuff there, my bad, I tried. Also, and a male Neon in Hunter Club is interesting, I bet Neon makes a pretty guy. Always nice to see more of Neon. Anyways, happy ur updating more often and these HxH stories now.

Kinda sad Part 3 of Twin Rivers wont be for awhile until the current HxH is over, since so far Im really liking how ur building the Killua and Fem! Gon relationship in that and think later on their family, Im still pretty behind, but was kinda spoilered there. Oh well, them having probably a family is just awesome and cool, and I still get to see how it is build, so thats fine, even if I may have been kinda somewhat spoiled. Again, I get waiting until u can get Part 3 up going, just kinda sad since I love Twin Rivers and I love Killua and Gon in them so far and how they are portrayed.

Oh well, I still got a lot of Twin Rivers to read. And if I can wait as long as I do for HxH hiatuses, which is a lot, I can wait for Twin Rivers Part 3 to come out. Kinda curious has Twin Rivers Part 3 been posted at all, or is it just Part 1 and 2 posted so far? Saying that I can wait I got a lot of ur other stories to read, including some HxH ones, which u are now gonna be updating and in the case of this story, dont know about other ones like Hunter Club also revising. So yeah, got a lot to catch up, then Im gonna wait patiently excitedly and patiently for more updates.

I hope u are also still posting and updating on AO3 too, I love reading here and AO3 the most. Wattpad is great to read from too. So yeah, I hope ur still posting and updating on AO3, even if it takes longer to post and update there then here, after all cross-posting/ updating takes awhile, so u can take ur time on that stuff. Following u and ur stories on AO3 and here. Ur definitely way more ahead here than on AO3 for ur stories, esp. the HxH ones, which has 2 of them, and it says its completed for those 2, ie Entwined and Twin Rivers, even though they are far ahead here.

Anyways, I hope u continue those stories there, or like making another part for those works or something, and post ur other stories and other HxH stories there someday. Again, u dont have to, it would just it would be cool if u do, haha. Looking forward to these stories to be continued and for maybe new stories/ stuff to be posted someday. Sorry how long this comment is, I was talking about all the current chapters (4) of this story, and even more in a way since I talked about both the old and new version of this story.

Plus, I talked about ur account on AO3 and here/ fanfiction, ur HxH stories and ur stories in general there and here, and just a lot of ur stuff and just a lot stuff in general. So yeah, i had a lot to talk about, so this comment ended up being quite a lot. So yeah. Also, sorry if this comment is kinda rambling, questions are confusing, and for the tangents, and sorry if this comment is just confusing in general. Hope ur doing well, excited for more. :)
Sarahmounik chapter 1 . 4/15
Nice chapterrr;)))))
Loralie Gold Dream chapter 4 . 4/13
An arm wrestling competition.
ktmxau chapter 3 . 1/27
I was not expecting this to be better than I had already imagined, but it is.
Loralie Gold Dream chapter 3 . 1/27
I'm very curious to see how Killoa plans to escape.
Sherlsepeare chapter 2 . 1/6
Read this a long time ago. Really hope you'd finish this. I don't care if I have to wait months for updates, but I really want to see the story finished.

Hope you're doing well, and that I'd read from you soon.
Hexel-JustAnotherReader chapter 2 . 1/2
Hexel-JustAnotherReader chapter 2 . 1/2
already in love with the plot so far... my never ending love to your KilluaxFem!Gon stories, dear author!
Loralie Gold Dream chapter 2 . 1/2
YOUR ALIVE! And thank you for the New Years Update!
Loralie Gold Dream chapter 1 . 12/6/2019
And now we wait.
Lilith Kerberos chapter 7 . 5/23/2019
I loved this chapter also how you develop the story so far 3
I can not wait for more updates and continue enjoying your stories :p
I hope to hear from you soon :) XD
alessathegreathero chapter 2 . 3/4/2019
Since when was naruto part of this story line, and I think one piece?
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