Reviews for Unexpected Marriage
Guest chapter 11 . 1/3/2017
How can you make Hinata forget about walking in Sasuke having sex with Sakura. This is ridiculous. It happened before she took the drink! How can get the ass hole Sasuke get away with that? Hinata should hate his guts and not take the institution of marriage seriously if Sasuke breaks it. Hinata skills pick up a lover or divorce Sasuke.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/28/2015
ya are not a bother , do what ya like and we are with ya
Guest chapter 18 . 6/26/2015
Hnn i think i would like you to rewrite it. Cuz it would just be too hard for you to continue while you -yourself- are confuse about it.
Saki-Hime chapter 16 . 12/21/2014
What happened with Mei?
BlueDragonz chapter 17 . 11/28/2014
sorry but you could at least finish the story... dont want to come of as rude but you know when read a story u like and the author just gives up...
umnia chapter 16 . 11/23/2014
Pretty aweesome one.
moonlightclock chapter 16 . 11/22/2014
that is annoying this chapter is unready with the lines inbetween it can u please sort it out it confusing
Guest chapter 16 . 11/14/2014
Wow I love this I just hpe that saseke will get jealous wen some1 kiss hinata I mean he does why shuld she nt
RedVelvetLips chapter 16 . 9/23/2014
Hey there! SO you've finished 50 Shades of Grey already? lol.
So, I've been following your story since chapter 1 and the last chapters were slightly out of the line. Things were getting interesting up until chapter 11 because I thought the conflicts would be more complicated. however the next chapters didn't "grow", I suppose, from chapter 11. What i mean is Hinata witnessed Sasuke went far beyond making out with other woman but then that's it. I think you should add more conflicts, I know Sasuke already has a feeling towards Hinata since like day 1 but he kept cheating on her, there should be something deeper in the story. And about the mysterious guy who fancies Hinata, it's okay to add in the story but for me, I think I can live without him. That's what I think. Hopefully it will be helpful for you :)
wolf-enzeru chapter 16 . 9/22/2014
You know my thoughts about the fix it got a lot of potential or I wouldn't be reading it so far, but you need to work on the proper order and sequence of the story, don't get discouraged for what I say I meant well. You know where to write if you need :D
Saki-Hime chapter 15 . 8/10/2014
LOL very funny, love reading moments like that. Update soon.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/4/2014
Too dramatic. No realism but cheap story. Many grammar errors. I lost interest.
everlastingstarsinthenightsky chapter 15 . 8/4/2014
Tbh i confess that despite all the drama and stuff i do like your story. At times it was hard to follow like the flashbacks and stuff threw me off so i think that is something that can have some tweaking. I am a firm firm believer that ig someone cheats on you to not just take that shit and be like whatever. Ive read a handful of fics with a similar plotline and the one thing that i have abit of a thing with is hinata not using her inner rage to put the cheater in his place or my peeve is the submissive hina that won't talk backto her father, will act like everything is alright when its not. Thats just something i hate to see. I want her to be like how ten ten was and go apeshit on sasubutt and saskura. So i hope that besides an interesting and drama filled plot you will have character development in hinata :) i can't demand you to do it nor can i demand you to let it magically happen that hinata and gaara fall in love and she divorces sasuke with happiness but sasuke realizes what an ass he was and so on. I can't do that to you :))) i do however hope to see what happens next and again character development :)) good work an keep it up :)))
mac2 chapter 6 . 7/10/2014
What's with the single block of text? Makes it hard to read. And fix those grammar errors. Makes me think English is your second language.
mac2 chapter 13 . 7/10/2014
Very dramatic but the errors are crazy. First off the first letter of a name is always capitalized. And it is stood not stud. Get a beta or at least spellcheck. With that background now I know why he is such a jerk.
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