Reviews for Not All Who Wander Are Lost
Matt chapter 39 . 9/25/2019
Please keep writing love this story! Clap on the back from England!
Guest chapter 29 . 8/15/2019
Can you add more smut
baldcoder chapter 40 . 9/23/2017
Great sequel. Really enjoyable. Going to start the third one.
Shanna319 chapter 40 . 7/31/2017
Happy you're back to writing :)
professional9100 chapter 40 . 7/22/2017
Another successful story! It was so fun and interesting to read about them now that they're out of the mountains and have to return to the real world facing all those challenges. What really scared me was their honeymoon disaster, seriously thought for a minute you'd kill off Peeta but I was wrong :D On my way to read the next chapter of their lives :)
EGW chapter 3 . 7/16/2017
I noticed a typo when Katniss's mom came over for dinner it was these lines ""I guess I owe you congratulations then," she smiles and I feel Katniss instantly relax. "Welcome to the family, Peeta."

"Thank you Mrs. Mellark," I respond.

"Please, call me mom," she insists.

"I'll try," I promise." Instead of Mrs. Everdeen It was which would be very awkward if Peeta married his sister or cousin LOL XD
Cassandraishere chapter 40 . 7/14/2017
Yay! Thank you very much!
Paula chapter 39 . 7/11/2017
Yessssss keep going
NZNaturalKiwi chapter 39 . 7/11/2017
I would love to see you finish this story. I too hate to see fics go unfinished. Please feel free to PM me if you'd like someone to bounce ideas off of, either for this fic or any of your other stories. I'd be honored to help you in any way I can
SHADOW-ECLIPSE-PHANTOM chapter 39 . 7/10/2017
It would be great if you just continued writing , you definately still have an audience whose waiting for you . So if you decide to wrap it up or continue to write the story , I can't wait for it , cause it's a brilliant story .
Keep on writing your awesome .
hgcfmj2013 chapter 39 . 7/10/2017
I said this about your other story too, but I'm glad you're doing better and back to writing, because you are very talented. If you are up to finishing this story, I would really like to see how it ends. Don't put any undo pressure on yourself.
I will stay around and read it if you finish writing it though.
mfgb chapter 39 . 7/10/2017
I can guarantee you, you still have an audience. I've been waiting for an update for the last few years. This is one of my favorite stories in ffn and I would love for you to continue it!
Guest chapter 39 . 7/10/2017
At the very least I would like to see an epilouge or some sort of wrap up to your HG stories, but more from them would be absolutely amazing because these have been a joy to read when I needed a good story. Must admit, when I saw this updated I thought I was still asleep. I would love it if you comtinued on what you've started but if you are itching to write something fresh and new then at the very least wrap up your current works with an epilouge of sorts. Either way, keep writing because ai love what you have written.
Jamie chapter 39 . 7/10/2017
I've been wondering about you! I remember the not great time you had about 3 (?) years ago, and have been hoping you were well.
I would love for you to finish your other projects! (Since I got 3 emails about your stories, I'm assuming they all say the same thing. Lol.)
Guest chapter 39 . 7/10/2017
I'd love a wrap up chapter to this, (but more chapters would be awesome too)
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