Reviews for Here's 2 Us
MidnighttWriting chapter 20 . 7/18
I just read this whole story over the past few hours and it was awesome! Definitely one of the best stories I've read in a while! I started rewatching Victorious on Netflix in quarantine and this story definitely provided the more satisfying finale that I didn't know I needed :)
Cahaya Sidur chapter 19 . 2/15/2015
Wow...that's about all I can say at the end of this. Loved this story, and the nostalgic feeling it brought me when I finished reading it...awesome story.
CutesyBunny chapter 19 . 4/13/2014
awwww I kept going "I'm gonna cryyyyyyy!" but I didn't because I got 5 hours of sleep and am really giddy and bubbly right now lol
love this story!
CutesyBunny chapter 18 . 4/13/2014
and yea this would've been a great send-off song.
anyways, once again- I love all of these quotes.
CutesyBunny chapter 17 . 4/13/2014
Oh my GOSH Cat...
"Weeeee piggy back ride!" she's so cute!
anyways, as Tori said "Aw yayyyy we're (they're) all okay!"
heehee, I love all those quotes...
CutesyBunny chapter 16 . 4/13/2014
omg you seriously just listed all of my favorite lines from the boys, like no joke.
anyways, aw Trina can be so sweet... when she wants to/needs to be that is lol.
CutesyBunny chapter 15 . 4/13/2014
That's my one of my favorite episodes, "The Slap Fight."
Sinjin was so...
Like, I got a new respect for the weird guy that chews up food other people chew and stalks girls.
I've only heard bits and pieces of the song- like when they sing it-, so I just focused on the lyrics.
awww so sad but nice work
CutesyBunny chapter 14 . 4/13/2014
your comment at the end perfectly described what I just read.
poor... everybody.
nice work though
CutesyBunny chapter 13 . 4/13/2014
clever title, that's for sure lol
they're are falling apart huh?
nice work.
CutesyBunny chapter 12 . 4/13/2014
Just wow.
Nice work- I thought it was cute how Robbie tried to distract cat from making the scene awkward.
Poor beck and Jade.
CutesyBunny chapter 11 . 4/13/2014
Well, didn't expect you to bring Freddie in...
And Dale XD nice surprise is it not lol
"Wait, you like crazy redhead?" "She is not crazy," Robbie hissed. "Oooh"
OMG that's what I said too I was like "Oooh Robbie's MADDDDD..." Hehe XD
And Sinjin being all "wise" XD
Cat's ways of getting Tori to talk XD "I'm Pajelehoocho woman so watch me be all bouncy! Hehe..."
And to quote that weird fat guy that was inquiring Tori and beck right before Jade and cat came in on the Opposite Date episode: "Things are about to get real."
Nice work!
CutesyBunny chapter 10 . 4/12/2014
Hehe I was looking to this chapter because I mean, like you said "I Think You're Swell. Cabbie chapter. Enough said."
Cuteness everywhere and love beck and Andre at the end XD
CutesyBunny chapter 9 . 4/12/2014
OMG when it said her "special friend" I was like "OH MY GOD CRAZY STEVE RIGHT?!"
... And almost woke up my parents XD
And you used his special song! Lol..
Nice work
CutesyBunny chapter 8 . 4/12/2014
Oh my GOSH even TRINA can see they like each other!
How can Tori just be like "Trina you're wrong! They don't like each other like that they're best friends."
And then the end of the chapter happens lol XD
CutesyBunny chapter 7 . 4/12/2014
Oh my gosh I love this chapter.
And when I was reading cat's thoughts when she's describing Robbie's scent I was like "uh spice? Either he's TRYING to be manly or that is just wayyyyy outta character lol XD
this is so cute and funny and poor tori with the guilt coming in full-drive
I love how complete outsiders that know nothing about the gang already know something's goin on with Rob and Cat
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