Reviews for McTrollin'
Guest chapter 16 . 9/20/2017
Hello, idk how long has it been since you've completed this story but I gotta say its been a long time since I've read a good fanfic of one of my fav anime/manga! I honestly thankful that I somehow decided to read the fic instead of settling for just marking it for my reading list hahaha but honestly thank you for your story, you killed me when you made mikan ask natsume for his passport! Anyway...I'm looking forward to reading your fanfic in the future, tho I don't read an incomplete ones since the cliffhanger could be a danger to my health (I'm not joking I got very upset if I don't get my next chapter or episode immediately ). Now I'll just proceed on my works sorry for the long review (ish) that comes out of nowhere
Breezylyn Fayne chapter 16 . 9/9/2017
OMG OMG OMG! So I read this story like a year ago and I just reread it. Even now it's such an amazing, awesome-tabulous, hilarious story! I love their first encounter with the Starbucks cappuccino incident, love the fact that Natsume became her TA and eventually her apartment-mate and love the entire ambiance of the story! All the characters have hilarious conversations that made me laugh so hard, and I really truly loved this story! I think that you have a very creative and unique writing style which is what made the setting and characters shine!

Also, it's great that you're now a TA and a Starbucks barista! I agree, that certainly is a curious twist of fate! ;)

I also read the epilogue and have to say that it's so sweet of Natsume to buy Mikan her dream house!

Thanks for writing and finishing such a glorious story!

Kanashimi Raven chapter 16 . 7/8/2017
This was fantastic! I have to admit that Mikan's attitude and her general 'cool way' of carrying herself both bothered and yet intrigued me! I'm honestly saddened that this story had come to it's end. Though I do hope that you haven't given up on writing as you're an amazing author!
jmei090 chapter 1 . 7/6/2017
Sorry...i just had to give a comment about being a starbucks barista...i was one before...and what natsume is doing could get you fired! If i was his supervisor id kick him the hell out...but for fiction sake..i think its okay... chapter 1 . 2/4/2017
I'm glad thats has never happened to me when ordering coffee!
kamilafauzia chapter 4 . 12/21/2016
I wonder, what made yura said that mikan gave her rough time though
kamilafauzia chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
cannibalism will make you gain extra kilos

kamilafauzia chapter 15 . 12/21/2016
gosh, koko was really sumire's soulmate. he even said the same words about fantasizing and probably at the same time too.
gawdd, this was hillarious haha

and yeah, what could go wrong with ordering big mac in taco bell indeed except made the manager to fire one of his employee :biggrin:

i really really love this fic.
gotta reread since i skipped a lot last night...
kamilafauzia chapter 2 . 12/21/2016
And I am suuuuuure, he who was willingly to pay higher for mikan's apartment was Natsume haha
CeruleanDreamCat chapter 16 . 9/19/2016
That's hilarious! Don't be a jerk like Natsume.
Alexxis T. Swan chapter 16 . 8/11/2016
I think all Indian mothers have an organized drawer of plastic bags lol. I'm digging the pun in 'eggciting'. Damn look at you, signing with your real name. Haha omg you have tell me some coffee ordering tips now! I love it when TV characters gave these super specific coffee orders and I've always wondered how they develop that particular preference. I don't usually get Starbucks because ordinary coffee is easy for me to make and bring myself but if I wanted something complicated I'd probably act more like a normal college student and frequent the Starbucks at the libraries on campus. Maybe you're developing pre-cog abilities! This kind of thing has happened to me too in the past. Superpowers would be cool.
Oldie chapter 16 . 7/26/2016
OOoh, a behind the scene update! I am wondering the same thing as Natsume; I mean, leaving eggs just laying there? Out of their box? LMAO. I can see my younger sister doing that though so...

OMG why ARE things in McTrollin' becoming a reality?! Maybe it's a sign of meeting your significant other? HAHAH wait, if you have one already, nevermind, I'm sorry! :( Glad to hear you had the most fun writing this story! I had a smashing time reading it! / o /
Hayface chapter 4 . 7/24/2016
I am in love with this story ( )
fiesa chapter 16 . 7/21/2016
Hey, an update :)

It was nice to return to these characters and your story once more. I remember the scene - I like that Natsume actually is aware of what he's done, and that he destroyed something precious. On the other hand, he's still a jerk :) (But since he'll get better eventually...)

Congrats to your new job! Have you decided on which one to take? I wouldn't recommend being rude to the customers, but it sure is a fun coincidence! I hope you'll enjoy yourself. Working in customer service can be tough, but it's rewarding, too :)

Thanks for sharing, as usual!
choco chapter 16 . 7/21/2016
hope you find someone like mikan as your roomate next XDXDXDXD
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