Reviews for Common
Laure in Disorder chapter 1 . 8/10
Incredibly powerful and uncomfortably true - thank you so much for writing. One line in particular struck me.
“Her personality, her feelings on Caspian’s rejections, even her name, this was all irrelevant in the face of two things – the Duke of Glama’s daughter squinted, and had freckles.”
Guest chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
you put it into words
Shewantsthesun21 chapter 1 . 1/24/2019
wow, this was amazing! I love the thought and emotion you put behind Lucy's character! I especially love the end when she sees the downside to Susan's beauty gaining unwanted attention.
PSW chapter 1 . 2/17/2017
Very well written...insightful and important thoughts, and ones that I suspect all of us struggle with at some point...

Thanks so much for writing!
Amanthya chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
Masterfully done, bravo! Provides a lovely context I didn't get from the movie or book (not having read that one).
Dino-Rogue chapter 1 . 7/1/2016
Wow, this piece was very... enlightening, shall I say? It explained a lot, it answered a lot of questions, and gave thought to things I''d never wondered about before, made me ask questions I dare not ask... about Narnia's brand of true beauty; this world's brand's already obvious, about the Duke of Galma's daughter - I'd quite forgotten about her, poor girl indeed! Now I see why Lucy said that - about people's remarks about, or descriptions of Lucy and now I see. You made me see and understand. Lucy is, in no way, a vain, proud, self-pleasing woman, so why did she come so very close to casting that magic spell to make herself beautiful beyond the lot of mortals? This is why. Because apparently, to some, beauty has a rather different definition and is not, in fact, skin deep. Susan would be upset and horrified if she found out what people think of her little sister, and what Lucy thinks of what people think of her and how they see her, and how she thinks they view and think of her in turn. And as we can see from the ending, Susan is not quite happy with those boys' definition of 'beautiful', either. And now, Lucy realizes.

And may I just say, Corin's remark about Lucy in HHB, in particular, now demands my mind's attention! Because of you, now I am left asking myself and wondering; is that not a compliment after all?

What an excellently written marvelous piece! Awesome job!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/26/2015
This story makes me quiet. In a good way, mind you. It makes me think, and that's never something bad. Well written.
alive by grace chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
This is a gorgeous character piece. I think a better scene could have been picked to close it (a conversation with Aslan, or something), but it's still incredibly lovely. Thank you for sharing it!
ValykirieRevolution chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Really like how you turn an OOC moment into something really interesting with double standard. Although I think Lucy should just take a page out of Peggy Carter's book and she'll be fine. :)
LillyZ chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
This story is absolutely marvelous and explains a point that has always bothered me too. You explained it in a most splendid way. I really like that Lucy also saw the constrictions and disadvantages of being considered beautiful, and perhaps could reflect differently on her times in Narnia as well, especially during the Golden Age.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 7/17/2015
Hmm, cold water will get the blood and dirt out of those stockings; they were expensive enough back then to be worth the effort.

And yes, there is a price for being beautiful and getting lots of attention. Sometimes it's from the wrong people, and you wish to be able to run at a moment's need.
mainstreet52 chapter 1 . 5/10/2014
A brilliant piece.

To me, I find that beauty is reflective. Someone with an engaging personality that I enjoy being around will have all their best external qualities highlighted in my mind as well. Conversely, someone who is horrible is going to come off to me as fake, tryhard, and/or not as pretty as everyone else thinks she is. I would be the one who would be interested in Lucy, potentially, but then, Susan is also a nice person herself, in general (though not so much at the end of the series) so the comparison could cause her a problem anyway, sadly.
The Madmadam chapter 1 . 9/6/2013
Very good look into how femininity is perceived. Nice job.
Anonymous chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
Great ending to the story. It's sad that Susan is... Well... No idea what to say hear, actually. Well, bye!
DancesWithBadgers chapter 1 . 6/25/2013
I have not logged in in over a year, but I just wanted to let you know that this is one of the most relate-able and well written pieces I have read in ages. This brings a cliche well-worn by this fandom to a beautiful light, and it feels very realistic. Thank you for this well-needed piece.
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