Reviews for Baby Bliss
Guest chapter 17 . 8/8
Are you ever gonna finish this? It's really good :)
Guest chapter 17 . 7/15
Plz write more chapters I am sorry to say I have no ideas on what you should write but if you do not continue this story hopefully you can create a new KatnissxPeeta or HermionexRon fanfic
Guest chapter 15 . 7/15
This is my favorite chapter so far. I would love it if you wrote a HermionexRon fanfic because I am a huge Harry Potter and Hunger Games fan
A123 chapter 17 . 6/15
Aww. Plz update to finish off the story; I have really enjoyed it and I am a reasonably picky reader. Also this always happens, you know when the authors lose interest in the story that their story is based on, I know you cannot help what you are interested in, but I really would like to see the end of this story. Also I would like the story to extend to when Katniss goes into labour and a little bit more afterwards to see what their life is like with a baby and how Katniss and Peeta deal with it. I wold also like to see Hamitch and Effie's wedding as they are a very funny couple. Although as you state you are graduating etc. but it says that it was said in 2019 and I have been reading this whole story in 2020 so it would be nice if you could update. I am not allowed to follow anyone per my parents so I am not told if you make anything new so if you could put a link or something on this page so I could be able to search the end of this story or even better finish it up here. Love you XOXO A123
A123 chapter 6 . 6/14
Okay! I love u, but I hate you right now! :) :( (which one? Me not know!)
Love A123 XOXO
Guest chapter 17 . 6/8
ChildofAthenaCabin6 chapter 17 . 6/4
Hi! Love this story! Are you going to finish it?
Guest chapter 12 . 5/27
raises eyebrow
Mary chapter 17 . 5/23
Hi! Any plans on finishing this?
Mockingjay chapter 17 . 5/10
Hey I’ve just finished the story and it’s really good! R u going to continue on with it? Please do because I have to hear how it ends
KeelerWileyHermioneGranger chapter 10 . 4/2
i think effie did it. you were hinting that she looked nervous.
Disneylover0415 chapter 17 . 2/28
Please continue I love your story and creativity!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/5
Please update!
Ravenclawgamer chapter 17 . 1/1
Its 2020...
Guest chapter 10 . 12/14/2019
I know it's probably way too late for this but you are using the wrong 'your' in your story. "Your" is used to describe something belonging to you. "You're" is a contraction for you are. There are a lot of instances where it is supposed to be "you're" instead of "your". Reading through your story, the mistakes were too glaring to ignore and distracted me from truly enjoying the story. Overall, the story is wonderful and I enjoyed it but I just wanted to give you some advice.
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