Reviews for Negative Love
ReyScarlet chapter 7 . 4/24/2013
Hey everyone! Sorry that I've dropped off the face of the Earth, but I took some time to check up on some things, and I realized something...
I. Posted. The wrong. Chapter.
I typed the Chapter Seven that is currently uploaded to a friend via Email as a prank, to make him skip over the real one when I posted Eight and confuse him. But, idiot me ended up uploading the wrong one anyways. My friend is probably laughing himself to death right now, but whatever.
So, the next chance I get, I will post the correct chapter. Sorry guys!
obezayaka noru chapter 7 . 4/16/2013
Oh wow. Um...

Shit just got real...
TinyWhaleShark chapter 5 . 3/17/2013
More please! I love this pairing! :D
obezayaka noru chapter 5 . 2/21/2013
This is, like, the story of my life here. Congratulations on depicting it accurately. *whistles*

Heh, I love this
obezayaka noru chapter 4 . 2/21/2013
It's only slightly cheesy, but life is cheesy sometimes. I like the tempo of this chapter, though. So that's good.

You also do a good job at writing like me. ;)

You better update this soon. I need to know what happens. :D
deadaccount12387yo87yo chapter 4 . 2/20/2013
Nice story! I look forward to reading more.

So you know, though, Japanese plurality does not follow the same rules as English; you do not add an 's' to make a word plural. Think of japanese nouns like the english word 'moose': one moose, many moose; one oni, many oni. O u O
ReyScarlet chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
So, my computer recently died. The chapters I had been working on, as with the other fics (hint hint) are also gone ;.; But, I have a old laptop that is more than capable of trudging along. Hopefully I'll still be able to work on my fics.
And so we go!
obezayaka noru chapter 3 . 2/14/2013
Oh my.

I'm pretty desperate for some Yuugi x Parsee at the moment, so I was glad to stumble upon this, and let's just say I'm impressed! I like how everyone was portrayed and how it flowed together.

I can't wait to see how this turns out (especially smut-wise, hehehe).
I Like Pancakes chapter 3 . 2/4/2013
It's nice to see some Parsee x Yuugi, because this is my favourite pairing ;)
Hope you upload soon
Kathi9000 chapter 3 . 1/31/2013
Poor Yuugi and poor Parsee.
I feel sorry for both of them, the bridge is the only thing Parsee has to protect and Yuugi just wanted to help...
I hope they make up soon :3

I'm waiting for the new chapter
none chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
I'm pretty sure the plural of oni is oni kind of like how the plural of moose is moose
Kathi9000 chapter 2 . 1/28/2013
I like, NO love your love your story (because we ship the same couples) :)
The personalities from Yuugi and Parsee are just like I imagined and Yuugi talks exactly the same.

Oh yeah and I'm waiting for Marisa x Alice and Yuuka x Wriggle ;)
One question what do you think of Meiling x Sakuya ?

Okay, keep up the good work I'm supporting you :D
