Reviews for CNKNA - Cold Blooded Lover
Crystallinepolyester chapter 9 . 12/22/2016
While I wouldn't call her a whore, Jackie did act pretty irrational in this chapter. Don't get me wrong, she's, in my opinion, one of the best oc's in this fandom, but the way she tried to justify herself kind of made her sound like a step down from a selfish brat to me. Just my opinion tho
Jedi Alice chapter 14 . 5/24/2016
I guess Jackie's already overcome her fears, then! She's so like me!
Jedi Alice chapter 9 . 5/24/2016
The second one. But about the last few paragraphs after Jackie tells him to prove he missed her: Since Gray is the Lizard, does this mean he has an instinctual side, similar to the other animal Role-Holders, and doesn't remember what happens when that side shows itself? Please get back to me on this, though I know I'll probably figure it out myself if I keep reading.
Amy47101 chapter 3 . 8/3/2015
I laughed so hard at Gray attempting to cook. I had to look away for a minute just to get over it. XD
HeartLuvAnimeGirl chapter 14 . 2/14/2015
You say it's complete yet another chapter huh
AngelicTrinity chapter 4 . 10/11/2014
Okay, this chapter was so frickin' adorable. With Jackie trying to exert independence and Gray trying to get her to rest her ankle so that she doesn't make her injury worse. I love how Gray totally gives in when she starts pleading with him to fix what's in the basement.

I especially loved the last part in Gray's POV.
VoidDrifter chapter 14 . 7/31/2014
Must. Read. MORE. I wanna see more adorable moments with Gray / ! I also love Nightmare's reaction to Gray's thoughts XD that's what you get Nightmare for reading his thoughts! Please update soon! :D Also could you possible by chance make a story with a Nightmare x Jackie pairing? :) I would love to read it if you do.
VoidDrifter chapter 13 . 7/31/2014
OMG I love this chapter so much *completely overwhelmed by the adorableness* . So cute! Haha looks like Gray does have a weakness! :D
VoidDrifter chapter 3 . 7/31/2014
Gray's cooking... just watching it being prepared *pales* is terrifying O.o
Fenris95 chapter 14 . 5/22/2014
I love this story please update
Hatsune Miku chapter 14 . 2/1/2014
please continue ur story
Borislvr chapter 14 . 1/26/2014
Love it!
The Jokers are awesome! Gray's pretty cute too.
LuceRunsAway chapter 1 . 12/1/2013
Please update soon! I just love this pairing!
Parakosmic chapter 14 . 10/20/2013
Please update soon! I need to know what happens!
Me chapter 14 . 10/5/2013
New Chapter! There I loved this story, it's so funny yet sweet.
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