Reviews for Come Here
AndurilofTolkien chapter 9 . 6/5/2013
like this
clintashavenersdoctorwhofun52 chapter 9 . 6/5/2013
loved the story, hope you have a nice birthday week.
DanAlaya chapter 9 . 6/5/2013
lovely chapter. A wonderful finish. Well done on the story.
TheNaggingCube chapter 9 . 6/5/2013
*sigh* no... it can't be over.

well done.
Brandi Golightly chapter 9 . 6/5/2013
Either I've been spending too much time on Tumblr, or did you incorporate the arrow necklace Scarlett's been seen wearing on the CA2 set? If so, my Clintasha feels just multiplied. Sad that this story has come to an end, but I hope you continue writing more Clintasha adventures! And happy birthday!
clintashavenersdoctorwhofun52 chapter 8 . 5/20/2013
love this story. Happy Birthday whenever it is!:)
Lollypops101 chapter 8 . 5/19/2013
great chapter!
Brandi Golightly chapter 8 . 5/19/2013
So many feeeeeeels! So happy you updated! Can't wait for the next chapter!
TheNaggingCube chapter 8 . 5/19/2013
Delicious. Short but oh so sweet. Come back to her Clint!
TheNaggingCube chapter 7 . 5/5/2013
TOOOOO SHORT! you are teasing me here. Lovely bits but I need more!
clintashavenersdoctorwhofun52 chapter 7 . 4/29/2013
that was a cool chapter.
Brandi Golightly chapter 7 . 4/28/2013
Ahhh I was so happy to see an update for this. Fabulous writing as always! Can't wait for the next update!
Lollypops101 chapter 7 . 4/28/2013
don't let him die! please!
DanAlaya chapter 6 . 4/9/2013
Nice chapter. Lots of different perspectives, I really enjoyed it.
DBT the mediocre chapter 6 . 4/6/2013
Wow, this is a great story! I love this pairing, and the storyline is great. It really keeps you on the edge of your seat, and it's well-written, too. The way you portray the two are so in-character, with their complex relationship and their loaded questions and words. It's really a wonderful story, and I can't wait for the next chapter. :)
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