Reviews for Happy Anniversary, Mr Jane
Munkeyfump20 chapter 13 . 6/12/2017
thanks for the read its it a shame its not longer but thanks again.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/6/2016
Hi MartyMc here - I'm reviewing a chapter that I don't think I've reviewed before as either MartyMac or MartyMc both of whom are me. :-)
If I beg prettily could you do a sequel to this story. Pretty Please with beautiful red strawberries and delicious cream poured over them. I've read this story many times and know there are your fans out there who would LOVE a continuation exploring Teresa and Patrick's burgeoning love. His father is a interesting character so it would be nice to get to know more about him. Not to mention "Roy Tagliaferro" and his minion Danni.
MartyMc49 chapter 13 . 11/28/2016
I'm still amazed at all the feelings this story generates. Thank you so much for writing it!
MartyMc49 chapter 10 . 11/28/2016
Ouch. Poor Patrick. After thinking he and Teresa are engaged - to find out otherwise is heartbreaking.
MartyMc49 chapter 9 . 11/27/2016
I've read your story often and think it's remarkable. I'm so sorry not to have reviewed before now. This is only one of the best chapters! The whole team tired and wounded but rallied around Patrick in order to protect him. Great read!
lanteaddicted chapter 13 . 5/17/2015
Gypsy chapter 13 . 12/17/2014
I just started reading Mentalist fan fiction, and found this story. I love it. I noticed you haven't updated in a year. Any chance you might pick this story up again? I would love to keep reading it. Perhaps you only need inspiration. I say since Lisbon already told everyone at the hospital that she was Jane's fiancé, and he was so happy with the idea, they should just go ahead and get married. Jane likes being married. He wants to be married.
Holobe chapter 12 . 10/9/2013
Found this gem again and don't think I have written something to tell how much I like it! Really like your writing-style.
MartyMac49 chapter 12 . 9/18/2013
Such a potent letter! I would have called in a priest and married him right then and there... but Teresa is such a strong woman - which is one of the reasons I really like her character. Lovely chapter - although everyone is suffering both physically and mentally. Can't wait for the next. MM
make-mine-a-kiaora chapter 12 . 9/18/2013
Lisbon reading the note and Jane reaching for her in his sleep. Sad but also lovely and so hopeful...
janesbiotch chapter 11 . 9/3/2013
wow just beautiful. Can't wait for the next update.
janesbiotch chapter 10 . 9/3/2013
wow she crushed him. poor guy.
MartyMac49 chapter 11 . 9/2/2013
Well. I am certainly glad Jane is on his way to recovery - I don't know how good I would handle much more of you torturing him! Although... he does just lend himself to torture very nicely. Okay, on to Lisbon, did it irritate anyone else that she told Jane they were not engaged when he had only just been stitched up! How did she expect him to react to that news? Sometimes I'm not sure what he sees in her - okay that's probably a little jealousy showing through on my part. Maybe there is hope for them afterall because I did notice that she called him Patrick at the end of the chapter.
holmesy chapter 11 . 9/2/2013
I'm still reading this and I hate/love the tension in this. Patrick can't catch a break, can he? And Teresa has to be so strong in this story.
MartyMac49 chapter 10 . 8/31/2013
Ouch! That last sentence actually hurt me when I read it! You certainly have a way with ending chapters. And, by the way, you do an admirable job with the mechanics of writing your story as well as the imaginative story line. I spent 17 years typing and proofing court reports, and simply putting the words down on paper is way beyond the reach of many people! To put down words that are spelled correctly in the right tense and that tell an interesting story is truly wonderful.
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