Reviews for They've Always Been There
DrakoJ chapter 18 . 7/18
Again, none of the other Guardians know what it's like, being alone and abandoned for 300 years.
DrakoJ chapter 17 . 7/18
If Bunny knew ANYTHING about Jack's 300-year isolation, with no one to talk to, then he would've thought twice before saying those words.

But . . . the fact that when Jack finally got noticed and it was by Bunny, rather than help Jack learn how to control his powers, Jack taught himself how.

Well. . . at least Sophie still believes in North, Sandy, and Tooth. But that part where Sophie starts to not believe in Bunny- and for good reason, too- Bunny really deserved that. So . . . now Bunny knows what Jack had to go through, for 300 years. Serves you right, Bunny.
DrakoJ chapter 16 . 7/18
Dang. . . None of the other guardians know what it feels like to be walked through for 300 years.
DrakoJ chapter 15 . 7/18
"He never had anyone that he could remember take care of him, so he took care of himself and never got close to anybody if he could help it."

Dang. . . Jack Frost truly had a lonely life, for 300 years.
DrakoJ chapter 13 . 7/18
North gave that gift to Jack, not knowing that that will be the first- and, sadly, the last- time that Jack will ever use them.
DrakoJ chapter 12 . 7/18
This . . . sounds like a good lullaby, even if it's Jack's lullaby.
DrakoJ chapter 10 . 7/18
Woah. . . When a fox gets pissed off, it's REALLY pissed off. Especially when something is threatening its friend.
DrakoJ chapter 9 . 7/18
Oh, man. . . That's just . . . Dang.

Littlefoot's mother slowly died right in front of him, and Jack . . .Well, Jack knows what that feels like. But . . . to lose your mother/father to death right in front of your eyes, is just . . . Dang.
DrakoJ chapter 6 . 7/18
So . . . Jack Frost had a special lullaby, when he was 6.

I'm thinking of calling it . . . "Jack Frost's Lullaby."
DrakoJ chapter 5 . 7/18
Dang. . . that's tough, with Bunny knowing that he yelled at one of his favorite kids and he didn't even know about it.

But, then again, with him also wondering if Jack had kept his memories . . . and paid attention to Jack needing social companionship. Dang.
DrakoJ chapter 4 . 7/18
I like the fact that Young Jack stood up for his dad.
Lumin chapter 12 . 4/24
I feel really bad for north now, but DAMN this is great writing!٩(•́•́๑)و
Guest chapter 4 . 9/13/2019
Books are and try an make them a bit longer but I'm not saying you have to its yours do what you want to do

Ps I really your book oh and could you try and make one were he's a werewolf please?
Mukuro234 chapter 21 . 6/28/2019
This was awesome! Ya know you should make a one-shot about Jack asking the Guardians what sex is.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/24/2018
One shots? Yes please
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