Reviews for Don't Forget to Remember
PyroNeko chapter 3 . 2/14/2013
Love the story so far, can't wait! Keep it up!
Avenging Neko chapter 3 . 1/30/2013
Well it does seem different. I admit I haven't read all that many, yet, though. Still seems interesting.
I've learned that you can write the word doc, save it, and the words you bolded/italicized stay that way when you upload it. To fix your broken coding.
And, not to be mean, but you might want to look for a beta. There's certain words that throw the reader off a bit when wrong.

Don't get discouraged, though! I'd like to read more. :]
Princess of the Fae chapter 3 . 1/26/2013
Thank goodness she is safe?!
Howl-chan chapter 3 . 1/24/2013
Aww! That was adorable! Please update soon!
FallenAngelVamp chapter 3 . 1/24/2013
Is this story goin to have some horror to it? xD jus asking. nevermind the romance
This was an "awesome" chapter! i never used to word "awesome" before. She finally remembers! and She wished herself away to the Goblin king... she may regret it later... -_- and yhu kinda got meh confuse for a moment... who is the queen? Goblin Queen? o.o yhu keeping meh on the suspense side. please update within 5 days!
FallenAngelVamp chapter 2 . 1/21/2013
Now i/we now know why Jareth needs Sarah to remember. The Labyrinth is weakening. Due to being remembered? or other circumstances?
Hehehe...I don't know why i always smile when it comes to the Old Wiseman.
Will the next chapter come to be what happens after chapter 1?
and leaving us/me reviewers on some sort of suspense that is rather killing us. Not nice of you. (grin)
Update soon and we will all be waiting for you to update.
FallenAngelVamp chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
This caught my eye and wow. Horror to be following a bird into the woods. Love the way you had put the setting and had some sort of dark theme to it.
Please next chapter. Cant wait.