Reviews for Snow
Guest chapter 1 . 9/25/2013
Good story!
Codename Morpheus 00X chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
SUPER LIKED IT! Good job! :)))
Zinnia99 chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
This was nice. I kiked this a lot. Quick question though. You can PM me the answer. Is Puzzler a good guy or bad guy?
Robastar34 chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
This is too awesome!
Sarah Serena Rose chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Loved, loved, loved it!

I found The Puzzler and your plot very intriguing. I've seen the concept used before - Danny has to sacrifice himself to save others - and I think you wrote it really well.

The Danny and Sam interaction was perfect, I liked how their friendship in the beginning seemed to be so effortless and florished in the end. Overall a wonderful story :)
Sleepyreader13 chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Oh my God. That was... that was... utterly and completely amazing. That was more than amazing, it was...

I'm speechless.

You wrote that... and you dedicated it to ME? You're... simply amazing. I love it. Loves it.

It has danger and angst and romance and a healthy dose of fear and sacrifice and... it's just wonderful. It contains everything that I could ever like and it's just perfect. I really don't deserve this, but thank you for it anyway. It is... it's perfect.

I loved the whole "Three hours and Three seconds" thing. I read that, and I was like "NOOOOOO. NO. You will not do this to them."

And I loved the "test", that was just perfect. The Puzzler was a great villain, but he's not really a villain is he? Just someone who has taken the judgement of people and their values into his own hands. He is definitely the best ghost OC I've ever seen, and I loved the interaction he and Danny had at the end. Wonderful.

And you ended it with a kiss. DxS all the way.

You're amazing. I can't thank you enough for this.