Reviews for Cielo Pocco
Visually Dreamer chapter 2 . 5/13/2019
This story is very interesting, keep up the good work! Thank you for your story, I hope to see you soon!
DeadAngelOfDeath chapter 2 . 10/14/2018
DarkenedRose24 chapter 2 . 5/20/2018
Don't forget this please! I would love to read more.
CallmeCrazylol chapter 2 . 12/14/2017
I wanna poof out of existence so that I don't have to do finals...
Fireflyies chapter 1 . 7/18/2017
Well, this was a fun read. So, continue writing I guess. It was pretty good actually, just take your time and have fun with it~
thecatleader chapter 5 . 4/23/2017
Oh boy this is going to be interesting please update soon
Hinatauchiha1 chapter 5 . 4/23/2017
Hahahaha poor gokudera,but so they go back in time by just the wimp of the rings now I think that G deserves to be happy too so I'm really glad that Hayato was send back too please update soon and more often
DeadAngelOfDeath chapter 5 . 8/16/2015
Can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 5 . 8/5/2015
This is beautiful, and I so freaking love it.
...Which explains why I'm eating breakfast, choking, and cackling at the same time.
LittleSnowChild chapter 6 . 4/28/2015
update please wanna read the next part where Hayato meet G X(
Shannon Rei D. Sumner chapter 6 . 11/3/2014
you know what? this fic is a really nice fic... i think it is rather written well but if you want to polish it fir the bettet then go for it... i also hope that you find your peace in writing cause i am really looking forward to its succeeding chapts... hope you can update soon... :)
Thorn D. Cinni chapter 6 . 11/2/2014
I do not understand what you mean by "following canon". To my understanding, all fanfiction "follow canon" to a certain degree or else it wouldn't be fanfiction; it'll just be a plain story. We have FictionPress for that. *grins*

Too many distractions, I getcha. But, really! Did you need to put us on a cliffhanger, add a fake chapter to make us hope, and then crush us to the ground? *sigh*
khrforeverloveU chapter 6 . 11/2/2014
TT-TT I thought this was chapter TT-TT.
I waited so soo long ! Do you hate me!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/8/2014
thought you should know that the time is of and it was actually around the time when japan opened to the public(1870's ish) allowing giotto to flee to japan in secondo's reign. i really want this to continue though
Guest chapter 5 . 8/8/2014
I really like this fic but the time is off. The first gen was actually from around 1870's, or if you'd prefer, about the time japan opened to the public, allowing giotto to move to japan after he retired for secondo to come into reign. thought I should tell you incase you wanted to know. but in any case, this fact should not undermine your motivations to keep writing this fic. i really like it, even with the time period.
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