Reviews for The Curious Incident of the Stars in the Night-Time
Mari Wollsch chapter 7 . 8/19/2016
super great, would love more of it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Heather Snow chapter 6 . 12/9/2014
I would love to see this continue, to see Sherlock's investigation, how Mycroft & Donna react, Sherlock eventually learning something of the truth, etc.
lol chapter 3 . 12/8/2014
Swishyfish2003 chapter 6 . 11/28/2013
I LOVED this story! Perfect characterization from everyone. Man I'd love to see more of Donna bullying and bossing around the Holmes boys. She doesn't take crap from anyone, and these guys tend to dish out a lot of crap, which kind of makes her perfect to be inserted into that family.

If there's one thing I'm sad I didn't see, it was that the Doctor didn't even make a small appearance at the wedding, would have liked to have seen that, but, no biggie.

I'm always happy to read fanfics that give Donna a bit of a happier ending then what she had in the show. She was hands down the most kick-ass companion, and in the end she was left with nearly nothing.
I don't know if you ever plan to write more in this universe you've set up, but I would certainly like to read more if you do!
LadyDream3512 chapter 6 . 8/17/2013
This was absolutely brilliant! I adored the whole thing and I would honestly would like to read a sequel for it. Also, I was hoping for a Doctor cameo, because really I find the Doctor-and-Donna dynamic adorable; they're like close brother and sister - or even best mates. Also, the reaction of Donna when seeing the Doctor again ;w;

I really do hope you make a sequel :) Thank you for sharing this!
kateydidnt chapter 6 . 6/11/2013
Hm, Mycroft's laugh-slightly unhinged from his encounter with the TARDIS? Not truly crazy, but. . . not the same.

"Well, good on you, Mycroft, John mused. Maybe you are a real boy after all." *snort*

"Sherlock had to spend some time rummaging through his Mind Palace to find an appropriate response. Eventually he dug up something from the bottom of the boot closet, blew off a thick layer of dust, and presented it to his brother. "You're welcome."" HA HAHAHAHAHAH

"You don't? Well then, you're not as smart as Harry."

Oh BURN! good one John!

Excellent Story!
Really Wish you'd had a cameo by the Doctor though. Because I can just see Donna slapping him and then hugging him. And the the Doctor hugging a very uncomfortable Mycroft. The Doctor wouldn't begrudge someone else healing Donna-He'd be thrilled (and since it was his sacrifice in the first place that enable the Moment, I'd say it was a team effort).
kateydidnt chapter 5 . 6/11/2013
Yeah Donna can handle Sherlock's tantrums.

Does Donna's hand have any special powers? How do you reattach a hand anyway. And how much does Mycroft remember of the doomed universe? Amy and Rory remembered it but, kind of only when they chose to because remembering multiple time lines all the time is more than a human can handle.
kateydidnt chapter 3 . 6/11/2013
"In his smart black suit and midnight blue satin shirt he looked like a trendy mortician." *snort* I can SO see this

"Sherlock. You remember the part of the service where they say, 'Speak now or forever hold your peace'? Don't. Just—don't." LOL!
kateydidnt chapter 2 . 6/11/2013
"But how dare he alter even a moment of the battle that had saved the universe?" All reality actually-EVERY universe.

Love this! The MOMENT that the doctor reboots the universe is filled with infinite possibilities (probability need not apply) it allowed Amy to bring her parents and the Doctor back. And allowed Mycroft to envision a solution for Donna. Perfect!
kateydidnt chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
"then slid his thumb around to the pulse point on her wrist. If her heartbeat altered when she heard a name, he would know instantly."

According to my knowledge, you're never supposed to check pulse with the thumb as your own thumb pulse can interfere or cause you to misread. . .

Other than that nit-pick, I LOVE this idea.
Cycloneozgirl chapter 6 . 5/16/2013
Please please write a sequel
TheInsaneLoricWhovian chapter 6 . 4/9/2013
Oooh, that was good. Really good.
Suuki-Aldrea chapter 6 . 2/18/2013
Loved it! Will there be a sequel? Would love it if there was! Ja ne!
KiraReySolo chapter 6 . 2/17/2013
I wish you would add more.
FANTASTIC chapter 6 . 2/17/2013
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