Reviews for Mr Snowman
The Otaku Lady Priya chapter 1 . 3/6
This is absolutely beautiful... I can't thank or appreciate you enough for this beautiful fanfic!
Keep up the good work!
Brightscales chapter 1 . 4/25/2018
This one shot was... incredible. I don't have words to describe how beautifully human this story was. I loved every sentence, every paragraph, everything. You're an amazing writer, and keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2017
This was one of the best stories I've every read I could really feel for Emily. I'm bi-sexual and have not come out to my family yet this is the first story that I've ever read that made it a little girls POV and showed her struggles it was while written and a great story all together and I loved it thank you for writing this
Sparky chapter 1 . 10/31/2016
This was absolutely beautiful. It flowed so well and you wrote so nicely and the content itself was very heartwarming. I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I thank you for sharing it with us
LiteratureGirl12 chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
This makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy because she got someone to talk to and all that but sad because of her parents and the kids at school. I'm bisexual and I haven't come out to anyone because the bullies are terrible at my school and my dad and my best friend are homophobic. This helps me a little bit because maybe I'll find someone to talk to too. :)
Everything's Relative chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
KittyBlue chapter 1 . 8/31/2015
Awesome fic! I don't usually like OC's, but Emily was adorable, really well done :)
fall3ndragon6742 chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
Aww this was cute
Madin456 chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
I loved this story! And I especially liked how your OC didn't end up as Jack's romantic partner like most fics turn out to be. I feel that everyone is sort of forgetting the value of friendship and is replacing that with relationships and stuff. Anyway, maybe that's just me. I thought the idea of making Emily gay suited this story well, and I agree with everything you said in the A/Ns. Jack was in character as well and the story was just well-written overall. I really enjoyed reading this. :)
Defiant Nefelibata chapter 1 . 10/26/2013
A very touching one-shot. I especially like how in the end she didn't really change but instead found acceptance of herself, which is the most important thing. Well done!
DaisyChain16 chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
This is so adorable! I hope you do a follow up story! *coos* :3
MADStar529 chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
Very beautiful story! So lovely!
someOne chapter 1 . 8/20/2013
Really, this should have more reviews that it has!
I love the deep feelings reading this gave me, to the point of feelings tears in my eyes... and maybe becase I feel an understanding with Emily, being going to somethings in this point in time about my choices(life ones, sentimental ones, sexual ones), my raising, and of course, the family, that bunch that have all the things that could make you dead inside for those who you love the most will always those who are able to hurt you worst...
Anyway, beautifull story Thank you for sharing with me, I think i needed it
Keep up the good work, and never let yourself be stop
Also, don't be afraid of the traits of some characters, listen to that writer voice of yours
Crazy Demon Girl chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
The only thing I can say was that this story was amazing! I felt that it was realistic, and I really enjoyed it.
displayheartcode chapter 1 . 3/29/2013
/Is lurking.

As someone who knows several LGBT people, I'm amazed at how realistic you took this and wove it with RotG.

I think I'll ramble about Emily first. She's a very fascinating character you made. I especially like how you started her with the Disney Princesses :-D. And like you said, the whole point of the oneshot wasn't about her sexual identity, she's already knows that for herself, but about gaining confidence and self-assurance. And we get to see it battle out with her parents, her town, friends, and even herself. But what really makes this into a good piece of LGBT writing is that you write her as a damn person. There is no gayngst, it's not entirely a coming out story, and she isn't sterotypical. It's hard to find a book that has what you wrote.

Now for the RotG part. It's very subtle but you managed to keep Jack IC. He would be manipulating ice and frost over windows, spontaneous snowstorms, a reassuring snowman, and epic snowball fights of win. I hope that you found the movie to be just as enjoyable as you thought it would.

And on an end note, was that line about Connecticut put there on purpose? Because the Jack Frost snowstorms are exactly what's been happening…
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