Reviews for Balance
Mari Wollsch chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Guest chapter 1 . 9/15/2015
What about Darth Krayt's Rule of One Sith, wouldn't they be in this universe, or not. If they did, it would be Jedi, Sith, and Gray Jedi vs. Sith. It's very obvious who'd win the fight.
KatHarkness-Katara chapter 1 . 10/11/2013
If you ever want to continue this, let me know. I want to know more about how the Force Order actually works. And I would like to see how Anakin and Han interact...
BladedBlossom chapter 1 . 8/6/2013
Interesting. I kind of like this idea of people being allowed to access whichever side of the Force they are naturally drawn to. I suppose in an AU, the Dark Side is not necessarily as murderous and evil as in canon, because it wouldn't really work if that were the case in this new Order. Presumably, there would be many Grays and few true Sith and Jedi practitioners, so maybe that's how it'd work. Liked the structure of the Council and a Sith and Jedi Grand Master. Old Jedi Council didn't have enough emotional types there. If there had been more like Obi-Wan, perhaps there would have been more balance to the Order. Good concept.
Jedi Angel001 chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
I loved brought harmony and peace to the Force.
GreySilhouette chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
Interesting concept, you have here. Equal numbers of Jedi and Sith, Vader and Luke working together, with the Sith giving the Jedi Jedi holocrons to help in his training. And the Force Order...Palpatine and Yoda WOULD be turning in their graves, if they had graves. Though I can't help wondering what the Force ghosts think of this. (For some reason, I'm imagining Yoda just letting his identity be absorbed into the Force in exasperation, Jinn going into shock and then berating Obi-Wan about it, and Obi-Wan being rather taken aback initially, but coming around to the idea and even finding it, and Jinn's reaction, funny. That sounded better in my head. Although it would be fascinating to see Obi-Wan's ghost and this Vader talking out some of their issues.)
Anyway, the types of midi-chlorians was thought-provoking, and I enjoyed it even though I tend to dislike the concept of midi-chlorians. Likewise, a very unusual interpretation of the prophecies that worked well with the galaxy you painted a picture of here.
Darth Vadie chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
Bravo! I love it all the way. Keep it up! ;D