Reviews for RavenK7's Hybreds Series
WindStar27 chapter 5 . 2/15/2018
Around the time just AFTER Raven met Sabrina and went to broadcast the program, everything ceased to make sense. I'm sorry. But I don't care if this is how this person originally posted it (not trying to sound like Farla or (from what I understand this person is her brother) St. Elmo's Fire - I have my own issues with him. He's also referred to as "Mini-Farla", however):

1- you (as the reposter) or the person who originally posted it should put lines between scenes. Its detracting as hell when switching between scenes and there's nothing to mark the change.

2- the story seems to drop off there and goes all to hell with random unconnected scenes. And nothing that explains them. First Ash is talking to Cassie, then Meowth (how did he turn into a Persian BTW?) Is teaching the Pokémon to talk, then Ash and Mist are naked in water... And Todd is taking photos, and Tracey is sketching them... And the two seem to have teamed up. Then Cassie is having insane delusional nightmares? None of those scenes seem to connect!

3- there needs to be one story, none of that future crap is interesting to people reading THIS story for what us currently happening to the characters that they don't know. I'm one of the few who actually dislikes stories about all or mostly original characters. The synopsis said nothing about there being chalets that had (seemingly) NOTHING to do with Ash and gang (chapter 3 & 4). Also, I thought Gary's sister was Daisy Oak? Not May...

Finally #4- the authors notes mid-story, are distracting. Very much so. Annotations are fine. Mayk an area that there needs to be a note about with an (*1 or *2) and then number the explanations in the actual author's notes. Or, comment about those issues BEFORE or AFTER the chapter. Authors notes mid-story are just far too distracting.

I was enjoying (what I could, considering all of the unmarked scene switches and author's notes that in most cases, were NOT needed) the story about Ash and friends, until it went off into incomprehensiblity after Sabrina took Raven to broadcast his program.
mass chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
Fantastic it is really good
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
This is really good! I'm really sorry about your friend... Still, he/she would probably be proud that your continuing his/her work y'know?
Balin chapter 1 . 1/10/2013
THE BEST POKEMON FANFIC I HAVE EVER READ! I can't stop thinking about myself being a mew hyberd. I feel sorry for whatever happened to RavenK7.
Teraunce chapter 7 . 7/24/2009
well, thank you for posting how it would have gone, and I would have liked it a lot, but if you're in contact with the main offer, as the bottom of this chapter would suggest, could you please finish it? 10/10 otherwise.
Teraunce chapter 2 . 11/9/2008
post the rest of this series. & plz finish this's rather good. 10/10
Dreamer Rose chapter 2 . 1/14/2008
I know you haven't updated in a while but I really like this story! Pour Lugia! It's no wonder he's worse offthan the others! I'll bet he swallowed a bunch of those things!

On the subject of those we wanna see: The Four Evee Brothers(MikeyEvee, PyroFlareon, RainerVaporeon, ?Jolteon), MayManaphy(then she really would be his mom), and BiancaLatias
dragonsavior chapter 2 . 4/19/2007
This is a very great story and can't wait too read more when written!
dragonsavior chapter 1 . 2/5/2007
This story is very great!
Doom187 chapter 2 . 7/30/2005
I'd like to see more of these stories they are really interesting to me
Morianerulz dude chapter 2 . 10/16/2004
GamemakerM chapter 1 . 8/17/2004
:0 ... Again, i did not read this story before making my own. The two are so similar it’s like there the exact same thing.

On a different note, well done, man. I’m not sure if this is the RavenK7’s work entirely, or if you edited it, but well done to the true owner. Little mistakes here and there, but nonetheless, a great GREAT story.

Chapter two: oh boy, now everyone from everywhere is getting sick. Even the legendary birds too. But what about team rocket and the legendary dogs? Wouldn’t they (team rocket) become meowth after always hanging around with him? Eh, whatever. Continue, its great!

Btw, ill try to stray away from your basis from now on; i don’t want to violate copyright laws or anything. Of course my basis would crumble beneath my feet, leaving me with nothing. :/

I think I have a lot more to say, yet cant think of it now. Oh well. Ill try e-mailing the rest of my thoughts.
clara200 chapter 2 . 6/24/2004
How about Jessie and James they are rockets but the boss doesn't like them. Great story.
Kaiser Bakura chapter 2 . 4/16/2004
wow you updated. i was beginining to think this story had been is a great story so far. i wanna see what Jessie and Jame gets mixed with. i will point out that it would be possible for the Hoenn to be infected. people tend to try to flee to where they think it is safest when there is a crisis, in this case it would be the Hoenn. All it would take was a couple of those people or their pokemon to be infected in order to bring the plague over to the Hoenn.
kitsune chapter 2 . 4/12/2004
were's ash, were's misty, were's brock, hell were's jesse and james... BRING THEM BACK!.
oh and um the eevee brothers would be cool to.
over all this story is really good:)
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