Reviews for You Remember
CharmedPeacekeeper chapter 1 . 6/15/2007
Too lazy to log in.

Wow...every word's true. after four years of getting us early to go to practice, I still wake up, glance at my clock, and panic for a minute because I forget that I graduated. I think about band, then I fall back asleep to dream of the memories.

But it's okay, because soon I will have to get up early again to go to practice for my college band. (Music Education major...I'm such a Band Nerd.)

Thanks for a great read!

WeaselDog chapter 1 . 1/25/2003
Ah... memories. Some of the best, worst, and stangest things in my life happened during band. We even have a weekly Top 10 of the funniest happenings during the marching band season. Oops! I really ought to practice on my trumpet more often. I don't wanna get rusty...
Dreamscapes Symphonic chapter 1 . 1/15/2003
great story. so true. i know my friends and family get sick of my talking about things that happen in band so much. long live marching band!
Clarinetmagic chapter 1 . 8/7/2002
wow! that was really sweet!
Traci the saxophone chapter 1 . 8/3/2002
mmm... This is a great mood piece. It gave me that warm-blanket-in-the-back-of-the-band-bus-surrounded-by-friends feeling I've come to love about band. This reminded me of the competition last year 5 hours away from our town. We marched in 4 inches of mud, no lie. We won, and we got back home at 4:30 in the morning. Everyone had brought their blankets, so on the way home, we were all sacked out in our bus seats, murmuring groggily occasionally that "man...we rocked" and turning back over to sleep. We played music from the movie Gladiator, and afterwards every single person in our band (all 128 of them) had the CD. We all got angry that the music was also in the movie K-19.

Man, you were right about nearly every little thing reminding us about band now. hehe. As long as I'm not the only one, I'm fine. "There is no individuality in a marching band" as one of my directors says. So we all feel better in a group of band peoples.

Thanks for writing this enjoyable work.

-Traci, of the Wild Magic.
Jakob der Ludner chapter 1 . 8/3/2002
True! This is all so true! I mean, everytime I see a horse in a parade, I remember the time I marched on... never mind. Anyways, Write More!