Reviews for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier
alansky77gmail chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
You have given such depth of character To Archangel. I want to thank you for the privilege of being able to read it. I found Airwolf Fanfiction by accident. It brought back memories of me watching it with my dad who died 3 years ago. I've been a fan of Alex cord for years. The character Archangel has always fascinated me. He holds a lot of secrets. In that suit of white really is a knows what lurks under that 3 piece suit of his? I do know that over the three years of the series His friendship with Hawke went beyond what was initially started. He learned to trust you more than anybody in the firm
Caeria chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
This was awesome. Love a truly sneaky, manipulative and brilliant Michael.
Mystikwriter chapter 1 . 2/2/2010

I have completely fallen for the complexity that lives within Archangel. He is such a fascinating character I could never grow bored reading about him, and when you throw Hawke in the middle of it, it only gets better.
xxcolorguardxx79 chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
Aw! The first meeting! And, of course, the whole Rush incedent that screwed Michael over in the empathy department. And the whole, 'and you belong to me,' thing is the start of the minor empathic link between the two of them, right?
Ladyhawke 620 - airwolf addict chapter 1 . 3/15/2009
Interesting twist as to how it all began.
Dybael chapter 1 . 12/16/2008
Another amazing crossover, that still enthralls me on the umpty-grillionth rereading. Have I mentioned lately how much I adore your stories? I wish I could track down the Urban Legends zine, I would buy it in a heartbeat if I could find it anywhere.
wheresmybook chapter 1 . 11/8/2008
"You belong to me..." I can't help but think that Hawke would take exception to that- of course it eventually doesn't matter, because they will both belong to Airwolf.
SithelfJen chapter 1 . 3/2/2007
Nice title :-)

Liked the backround about East Germany and how Archangel bribed String into working with him.
Lady Cinnibar chapter 1 . 11/24/2004
Alright. I happened upon you just as the 48 hour pause started. No! Read everything you had, and couldn't review, couldn't put you as a favorite author, anything. I was pained.

And I assure you, you're going in my favorites. The depth and strength of your stories, crossovers or no, sweep me up and carry me away, and I'm hardly aware that it's not real. I was aching after each story, wishing there to be more, wishing it not to stop.

This story, for instance, I can close my eyes, and see the walls, and hear a soft voice, and the terror for a poor agent, and the hope in the end. Ah! Sheer beauty!

Thank you for writing this. I'm going to be watching you for more. Oh, lord, am I going to be watching you for more. Thank you.
Sable chapter 1 . 8/13/2002
Awww I thought this was kewl

It's good to get an early look at Archangel and a brief look at one of his first meetings with Hawke, I think the reference to his psych profile proves just how much and how early retrieving his brother became an obsession for him.

Hope you write more soon because you've got a real talent for writing in this fandom.

