Reviews for Paper Clouds
Guest chapter 3 . 1/26
"That's why the Boulder does the paperwork at her school," Aang said. "Did you know he has an MBA from Ba Sing Se University?"

Voldinette chapter 15 . 4/14/2019
Wow! This story was fantastic, it was well written, it was addictive, the relationships were complex and just so perfect. It was amazing, one of the best AUs I've read
bedpotato chapter 15 . 12/19/2018
Kudos to you for completing the story even if it took you years. I really like the dynamic of the fire nation royal family. I hoped the story would eventually touch on the Southern Water Tribe so we could get more Hakoda and Kya interactions, but I guess it would have dragged the story on too long.
Thanks for sharing!
EmilyxSarah chapter 15 . 12/12/2018
Hello! I stumbled across your story the other day, and it's been such a delightful read! Definitely one of the more creative ones I've come across, and I absolutely LOVED your characterization of Ozai. And Azula.
Thanks for your work on this, and I'm looking forward to checking out your QWEs!

Luiza chapter 1 . 11/1/2018
I've just finished reading the first chapter and I am LOVING it :)
smartmeh007 chapter 15 . 10/6/2018
So love this story.

I can say this is number on favorite story ever!
Keep it up!
Jess chapter 15 . 8/8/2018
This may be my favorite fanfic that I have ever read, and I genuinely mean that! I loved the story and everything about it. I loved every character and the way you wrote them. I’m so sad that it ended but I am so happy I got the chance to read this! Thank you so much for writing such a fantastic story.
Masen Lakain chapter 15 . 7/28/2018
I legitimately don't know what all to say, this chapter was beautiful I was crying at some parts. The whole story itself was fantastic, you are an excellent writer and I hope you go on to do more stories. Thank you for taking me on a fantastic journey and good fortune in all your further writings
Masen Lakain chapter 14 . 7/28/2018
I am crying out loud at work right now.
That flash back was beautiful.
Masen Lakain chapter 10 . 7/27/2018
I teared up at the end, with what Jet said to Song. Very good man.
Masen Lakain chapter 7 . 7/26/2018
That last bit at the end was awesome, I really enjoyed it. I hope you visit her soon, that was pretty good. I also enjoy how you describe her blushing, as she is of a darker complexion, it makes sense that she wouldn't be pink when blushing, so I appreciate the perspective, never would have thought of it myself.
InItToWinIT chapter 14 . 2/17/2018
Fantastic chapter! To be honest, I actually expected it to be more dramatic but it was a cool twist. I can't believe Ikem just left! Anyway, I know you wrote this ages ago but I told myself to delay my gratification of reading this and that delay turned into a year (or more). I am excited to read your last chapter! Beautiful story!
nategoat chapter 15 . 1/1/2018
Oh my it’s done. I thought there would be more but none the less thank you. I love this story and the flow of it. It was nice and had me crying in some parts. I love supernatural stories so it was a nice touch to the world. I like how you made Azula and Ozai; they still had their personalities intact but dare I say it more human like. Lol. Anyways I cried at the Zuko and Ozai moments because it was just so touching and cute. Yes they were still awkward but at least they forgive each other. The ending was just so perfect and I can’t for the life of me not want to become giddy. I love it and thank you so much for coming back and finishing this fanfiction.
nategoat chapter 10 . 1/1/2018
Oh my god this is my third time reading this chapter but every time I read it I always end up writing.
nategoat chapter 9 . 1/1/2018
I’m giddy. I’m so happy. Lordt help me.
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